Handsome Dorian of Wye Plates.

Piper is not a delicate or ladylike sort of pooch, despite her hand-me-down pink Coach collar she’s a 40 pound tomboy. A bull in a china shop. A one girl wrecking crew. I love her to death, but I wish I could feed her off of these killer Handsome Dorian of Wye plates. And yes, they’re actually people plates so I could just eat off them myself, but where’s the fun in that?!


Framed Friday: The Easiest Cupcake Frosting.

So, this is another one that has me scratching my head and saying to myself, so why am I only figuring this out NOW? Because it is so simple, and so delish, and so adorable looking. This one is SO easy there is not really an official recipe involved – just a quick run-down of the process. Here’s what you need:

Chocolate cupcakes
An oven
A spoon

I made up a box of Duncan Hines chocolate cupcakes, because while I love a good homemade cupcake as much as the next person, sometimes you are just in the mood for cake that comes out of a cake mix box.  I am, anyway. And since I was going for the easiest frosting ever, it seemed to make sense not to knock myself out on the cake part, right?

Anyway, here’s what you do. Bake up a batch of cupcakes however you want to bake ’em. While they are baking, grab a bag of marshmallows – the regular size ones – and count out as many marshmallows as you have cupcakes. When the cupcakes have 3 minutes to go, take them out of the oven but leave the oven on. Balance a marshmallow on top of each cupcake (this is the hardest part of the entire thing) and carefully slide them back in. Bake for another 3 to 5 minutes, just until the marshmallows are soft. They will probably still be pretty tall, but just take a clean spoon and press down gently with the back of it, and they will flatten right out.

By the way, if anyone thinks this looks like the S’Mores version of a cupcake, you won’t get any argument from me!

~ Kate, Framed


Halloween Owl.

When it comes to holiday decor I solidly reside in the vintage camp. Especially when it comes to Halloween. I’m not hardcore about whether it’s actual vintage or a recreation, but there you have it. This little Halloween Owl is screen-printed on heavy chipboard and sitting high atop of my radar at the moment.



I can count on one hand (okay, maybe two) the times I’ve been pro-wall covering for my own home. Whereas other people can commit to the permanence of the situation, I cannot. Then I saw this mural and immediately pictured it in my entryway. Those mountains! The muted tones! The freakin’ deer! And then I saw the price tag and realized the true reason I cannot commit to most wall coverings that I’m drawn to… {via design for mankind}


Give Me Your Scarves.

You chunky, your gauzy, your long, your short, your patterned, your plain. All of them. Because once fall rolls around I have a serious case of Scarves on the Brain. You didn’t know that was an actual medical condition, did you? Huh, well, I assure you it is. I’ve already broken out my favorite, have you?

{via Ill Seen, Ill Said}

Brandy Rose Scarf
{via Creature Comforts}

{via sfgirlbybay}

The Nantucket Cowl
{via my love for you is a stampede of horses}

Karen Barbé
{via mint}


Amethyst Point Ring.

I love this sweet, delicate amethyst point. It’s set directly atop a sterling silver band with two sturdy tube rivets and completely magical. I’m smitten. Be sure to check out all the other lovely crystal rings from Stone & Honey when you get a chance.


The Island of Dr Gâteau.

There’s not much I appreciate as much in this world as a clever, witty idea and the person behind it. Which is why you should drop what you’re doing immediately (Immediately, I said!) and click over to The Island of Dr Gâteau, the most flipping genius food blog I’ve seen maybe, oh, EVER.

Jess, the brains behind the blog, combines her love of food and science in the coolest way – by conducting experiments in recipe creation. Sometimes her ideas are based on principles of molecular gastronomy or the science of taste (she’s doing a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, you know, in her spare time) and sometimes just because. From here she shares information about the biology and psychology of the eating experience and how the brain can be tricked gastronomically. If you’re a geeky girl at heart like me, then you’ll definitely appreciate Jess’s refreshing take on all things food.

PS: She’s damn handy with a camera, too!

PPS: Did you catch the play on words in the name of the blog?


Reclaimed Oak Tub Caddy.

I want to be a bath person, but I’m just not. The only times I pop in for a soak are when I’m sick or depressed, others it just feels like I’m sitting there in my own filth waiting for the water to get cold. But then I saw this reclaimed oak tub caddy, and it makes me wish a were not only a bath person, but also a not clumsy person because it’s completely gorgeous. {via pinkshirtsandcarwrecks}