Bario-Neal Jewelry.

Bario-Neal Jewelry is a new to me shop, who uses reclaimed precious metals; ethically-sourced stones; and low-impact, environmentally conscious practices in crafting their gorgeous pieces. I love the raw feeling each one evokes, sort of like it was dug straight out of the earth. PS: Isn’t their packaging ridiculously amazing?!


BBQ in a Jar.

I’m enthralled with the idea of layered foods on the go, like this BBQ in a Jar. You can also do layered salads and desserts among other things. Perfect for picnicking!


Guitar Cases.

I’ve got a thing for acoustic guitar, but couldn’t play one to save my life. Could one of these canvas guitar cases be the saving grace that finally has me taking the plunge? Stay tuned… {via Oh Joy!}



Golly Bard has long been one of my favorite Etsy illustrators, so I was thrilled when Holly added these gorgeous log illustrations to her shop. I have a thing for cross-sections of, well, anything so they really struck my fancy. All are original works of art, not prints.


Birthday Calendar.

There was a time when I was the girl who sent out birthday cards two weeks in advance. Those days appear to be long gone, as I’m now the girl who is lucky if she remembers to send out your card the day of your birthday. Lucky for me, Linda & Harriett just released their first limited-edition monthly project – this killer Birthday Calendar.


Chocolate Bowls.

Flippin’ brilliant, ya’ll. These chocolate bowls (AKA pudding cups) are made by dipping semi-inflated balloons in a puddle of chocolate. Then fill ’em up with pudding, ice cream, or whatever your heart desires.