The Heads of State City Posters.

These graphic-heavy posters of awesome (AKA City Posters) from The Heads of State (AKA Jason Kernevich and Dustin Summers) have been popping up around the web for the past week or so, but there’s no way I could pass up sharing them. As it stands Miami, NYC, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Phoenix and D.C. are covered. Wondering how long it will take them to make one for Oklahoma City? Never gonna happen.


Happy {Spring} Weekend.

Spring officially makes its debut this weekend! Today we’re experiencing 70º weather, but tomorrow is promising somewhere between 6 and 14 inches of snow and a high of 39º. File that under Things That Make You Go Hmm. I plan on visiting a good dive bar tonight with some friends, then pending the snowstorm possibly hitting up a roller derby bout tomorrow among other things. Happy Weekend!

+ t.ruffles is now taking on custom projects

+ if you’re making a move to the world of freelance this just might help you out

+ the best Smokey the Bear posters

+ my friend is making this S’mores Pie with Guiness next week for a belated St. Patrick’s Day dinner

+ loving these childrens books from Paul and Ann Rand

+ infatuated with these early keyboard interface concepts

+ a fun paper doll for the grown-ups

+ finally saw Alice in Wonderland last night and am digging these inspired fashion finds



I would happily add any of these pieces from nashelle to my wear every day arsenal of go-to jewelry. Jeweler Heather Beeson creates them all using recycled silver and gold along with semiprecious stones. My absolute favorite is the first chain, I’m loving the mixture of chain finishes an textures – a beautiful Frankenstein of a necklace.



It’s a thought I’m familiar with. We’ve all been there. And the black gouache captures the raw thought of Warning perfectly. {via design is mine}