Happy {Valentine’s Day} Weekend.

+ A pretty Valentine’s Day garland using ready-made materials

+ Grrrrrrreat pirate valentines (sorry, I couldn’t help myself)

+ My GreatFull guest post (RE: snow)

+ I made this chicken chili for the Super Bowl and whoa (It’s even better the next day!)

+ With Alice in Wonderland on the horizon, why not make your own Cheshire Cat?

+ Loads of lovely + free Valentine ephemera

+ Printable conversation candy bar wrappers

PS: You have until Monday morning at 9am CST to enter The Storyboard Book giveaway!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Weekend!


Last Minute Valentines.

And by last minute I mean can you believe that all of these are free for you to download and print? I’m not even kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.



Alli Jacobson emailed to let me know about her Cityscape series. She purchased 100 pieces of heavy square stock and decided to create a series of, yes, cityscapes. Some in full-on vibrant colors, some liney and black and white and some right in between. You can check out the full spectrum at her shop, but in the meantime here are a few of my favorites.


Valentine’s Day Sweets.

To me Valentine’s Day is all about handmade and homemade. I insist on making my valentines instead of buying them and the same goes for any treats. With the exception of candy. Here are a few different sweets I’ve got my eye on.


ABC Paper Cups.

ABC Paper Cups are eons more visually appealing than the disposable paper cups I stopped buying years ago because of their unbearable designs. Seriously, where do they find those patterns and motifs??? {via The Dieline}