Fabric Flowers.

My patience is on a short leash, so these lovely fabric flowers are most likely outside my realm of sanity. But wouldn’t it be lovely to make a dozen or so and turn them into pins for friends on Valentine’s Day? I think so. (For those of you braver than I, there’s a great tutorial to lead the way.)


Win It: The Storyboard Book.

When I worked in advertising I would have killed for something as clever as The Storyboard Book. The concept is simple: a frame for the action and and space for whatever notes you have to go along with it. Take notes, make a list, write a movie, whatever. It’s also perfectly pocket-sized so you can take it anywhere. And this week we’re giving away a 3-pack to one reader.

To Enter, Tell Me:
1. Who would play you in the movie of your life?
2. Leave a valid email address (For notification if you win! Sadly, those who do not will be disqualified.)
3. Do it all before Monday, February 15th at 9am CST


For Your Valentine.

Every year I say how I’m not a big believer in Valentine’s Day. And every year I fall a little further into the trap that is February 14th. Here are a few things I’ve spotted recently that I think would make great gifts. The kind that someone keeps around until they’re 85. The kind that are sure to bring fabulous stories with them wherever they go.


Happy Weekend.

How do you plan on spending your weekend? Tonight I’ll be going to a local benefit, Raising Haiti 2.0. If you’re in Oklahoma you should plan on stopping by, all proceeds are headed straight to Haiti.

+ A little birdie told me about these sweet valentines for you to download

+ Feeling bored with your tableware? Customize it.

+ I’m see this jewelry bust project in my future

+ Sweet lip + moustache lollipops to hand out on the 14th

+ Want to know what makes me happy?

+ And I think these rainbow pancakes would make us all happy!

+ Your search for cute black flats is officially over.

+ Nonpariel magazine is live! (Isn’t that best name??)

+ Pretty desktop wallpapers to welcome in your February 1, 2

Happy Weekend!

PS: You have until Monday morning at 9am CST to enter the Postal Press giveaway for a shot at winning 100 silhouette business cards!


Pretty Vases.

I’ve been on the hunt for a vase that does its job or is okay with just sitting there and looking pretty. Yesterday I picked up a ceramic one that is tall, slender and adorned with a white on white raised honeycomb pattern. It’s new home in on my mantel.

But then I saw these. They’re actually called Pretty Vases. And I love the bold, bright colors paired with the unconventional pipe-mimicking design.