Straight-Sided Jars.

I become obsessed with the most random everyday things. Like these commercial straight-sided jars. The instant I saw them I wanted them. Just to put things in. Things to display within their glass jail cell walls. A museum of sorts with ever-evolving exhibits.


Resolution Record.

After five days of not touching my reader and over 1,000 posts to catch up on, this is what knocked my socks off the farthest: The Small Object’s downloadable resolution record.

As I’ve mentioned I’m not all that into resolutions, but imagine the possibilities of this bad boy! Diets, exercise, remembering to feed the kids (er) – absolutely anything you want to keep track of doing on a daily basis. She’s provided the genius template, now you provide the rest.


Carol Hannah.

Saying that I’m on the hunt for cute pieces to wear to the Alt Summit would be a massive understatement. (I’m speaking on a panel, will I be seeing you there?) And while I’m 37.65% sure these dresses from Carol Hannah would be a bit too much (or perhaps too little, it’s in Salt Lake City after all…) they’re oh so tempting.


Win It: CoolHot.

CoolHot by Kemba Celebrations creates handmade cultural and theme-inspired designs for stationery, office and home. Husband and wife team, Justin and Kemba, are inspired by the patterns, designs and customs of cultures around the world. Each pattern is taken and given a modern twist, making it fresh and something that the couple can call their own.

This week CoolHot is giving away a Japanese-patterned handmade journal. Perfect to jot down grocery lists or profound thoughts, this journal measures 7 x 4.5″ and is made from beautiful Arturo and Neenah papers. And the cover pattern is an original, so you won’t be seeing this little guy anywhere else!

To Enter, Tell Me:
1. What item do you inevitably forget to pick up at the grocery store?
2. Your email address, to be notified in case you win! (Those who do not will be disqualified.)
3. Do it all before Monday, January 18th at 9am CST


Monday Goodness: You Are Beautiful.

{via ffffound}

Because sometimes it’s just nice to be reminded. Especially on days that begin with M. When you hit snooze one too many times and your hair is doing that weird thing it does when you decide not to blow dry it all the way. And your outfit might be considered trendy by some, but you know it’s just random pieces you picked up off of the bedroom floor in the dark. And all you can think about is five o’clock.


Picture It.

{via ffffound, no source listed}

Like I mentioned yesterday, this week is a short one for me. Tomorrow morning bright-and-freakin’-early (6 am!) I’m flying back to Pittsburgh to celebrate Orthodox Christmas with my mom’s side of the family. It’s usually filled with lots of good food and (in)appropriately drunk relatives and is considerably less stressful than the 25th with my dad’s side of the family. Until we meet again… next Monday… have a happy week and weekend!


Last Suppers.

I can’t stop thinking about photographer James Reynolds’ series on former Death Row prisoners’ requests for their last meal before execution. From the full friend chicken dinner to the lone olive to the onion with a pack of mint gum. Morbidly fascinating.


Coffee + Tea Maker.

I love when things are put together with other things to make said things more, well, purposeful. Like in the case of the coffee and tea maker. It makes six cups of either and even filters the water while its at it. That’s just plain good design sense.