Monday Goodness: K, thx, bye.

This past weekend I:
• tailgated with the bet of ’em
• sat through two quarters of the OU/Idaho State game in downpouring rain and a cheap, leaky poncho
• decorated the indoors for Halloween!
• made yummy Lemon Raspberry Muffins for a co-workers birthday
• gave Piper a bath

Hope you all had a fantastic few days of rest!


Happy Weekend.

Wouldn’t you love to be spending at least one night of your weekend here? That tent is beautiful. Whatever your plans are I hope you have a grand time! I’ll be going to the OU/Idaho State game (Boomer Sooner!) and whipping up some tailgating treats.

** Don’t forget to swing by and enter Win It: enjoy design for your hand at a pretty journal to jot in. You have until Monday at 9sm CST!

Free Many Thanks card from heysusy to brighten you day

The cutest way to repurpose stray argyle socks

Great tutorial for whipping up a pretty ruffled felt pillow

Check out all the gorgeous knob pulls at Anthropologie

Off the path inspiring embroidery

Modern paper dolls for little ones and adults, too

Yet another amazing list to download from Vale Designs

Pretty September calendar download for your desktop

Finally! How to make your own glasses from bottles

Love these library-inspired invitations

Congratulations to Darling Dexter on her new etsy shop!

Darling invitations made with decorative masking tape

Free We’ve Moved card from Dingbat Press

8 ways to wear clip-on earrings that don’t involve your ears!


3 to See.

A long time read of mine,
full of things to make you smile

Full of great design
and lovely little collections

Mouthwatering recipes and photos
that will make you drool on your keyboard

Check out past 3 to See posts


Blossa 09.

Blossa releases a yearly limited-edition bottle of their glogg – Scandinavian mulled wine – that takes the entire product to a new level with its awesome design by BVD. You can see the full line of past years below. {via the Dieline}