Word: Ill Seen, Ill Said.

Naked, I dive in. Seaweed tendrils circle my legs, tickling the back of my knees, coaxing me down. I plunge again, lungs gulp-full of air. Little particles move like dust motes across my path. My arms break them into a swirling, eddying torment.

Now, I go deeper, my lungs starting to hurt, the water darker, cocooning all around me, stilling my senses. My head lightens. And I wonder if what’s left is the real me or the adrenalin talking. But I feel loose, meant to be underwater, happy to give it all up and let the undertow take me.

The water flecked now with glitter. Without deciding, I’m moving back towards the sun on the surface. And I’m there. Gasping and spluttering for breath through smiles, exhilarated and beat. I look back at the boat; yesterday’s bikini still drying in the sun. I flip and turn, kicking further out. I’m not ready to go back to all that yet.

Thanks to Jane of Ill Seen, Ill Said for this week’s edition of Word! You can check out guest posts from past weeks right here.


Monday Goodness: Spork’s Family Tree.

Over my 4-day weekend I managed to:
• make a massive grocery store trip
• watch a TON of college football
• have a bunch of friends over Saturday for the OU/BYU game and made Hot Corn Dip, Honey-Lime Chicken, German Potato Salad, Apple Slaw and Orange Cream Pie (sooo yum!)
• visit a friend and see her new home
• check out Target’s Halloween goodies
• clean and do laundry
• get about a million (okay, 10) mosquito bites – including one on the bottom of my foot!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend of family, friends and BBQing!


Happy {Labor Day} Weekend.

With this being Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer, the seasons are about to start changing. And with that a few things are getting rearranged around here as well.

I asked and you answered – Mad Props will now be included in my end-of-week Happy Weekend post. That means weekly roundups of goodness instead of monthly! It also means that the This Weekend: section of the post will be relocating itself to the Monday Goodness post. Got all that? Good.

And don’t forget to enter The Honey and Pig Shop giveaway before Tuesday morning at 9:00 CST! You have a change to win an adorably frilly hair piece.

Postal Press has gone live! Check out Alyson’s pretties

Sweet and stylish animal printables. Love the giraffes!

Stunning collection of classy animal shaped hooks and knobs

Not one, but two printable September calendars for all of your appointments and notes

Check out Gourmet’s favorite cookies from decades past. Yup, recipes included.

The perfect DIY ice cream parlor and printables

Printable envelope seals to jazz up your every day boring envelopes

Even more boozy ice pops!

Step-by-step tutorial for ruffled headbands that will make your friend jealous

Ready for crazy fall tights?

Pantry door

Pretty DIY linen lunch bags – a great reason to make your lunch instead of eating out!


The Daily Eat: Creamy Ricotta and Bell Pepper Crostini + Pepper Roundup.

Thinking I might make this Creamy Ricotta and Bell Pepper Crostini as an appetizer for the Oklahoma v. BYU game Saturday night! Are you making anything special to kick-off tailgating season?


3 to See.

I’m making a 4-day weekend out of Labor Day, so all of Friday’s usual suspects have been bumped forward to today…

A newbie on the the block
that I really look forward to

Beautiful food, beautiful photography, beautiful design
the trifecta of awesome

BFFs Julie and Kathryn
their love of design through their eyes

Portrait Mugs.

The ultimate way to make sure no one ever steals your coffee cup again. Why? Well because your portrait is on it of course! House of Harriett handpaints them – cute or kooky, you decide.