Meet Piper.

Say hello to Piper, the newest member of the family! Roxy and Peanut are slooowly making the adjustment and accepting their canine sister. She’s a spunky little gal who’s extremely lovable and well-behaved. I couldn’t ask for more!

Thanks for all your help with names! I decided to stick with “Piper” for a few reasons. One, she answers to it. And two, that’s what I’d been calling her the entire time so she really had already become “Piper” already.

Today’s her first day in the crate at home while I’m at work. She’s already crate trained, but I’m still a little nervous. Crossing my fingers that she’ll still inside it when I get home after work!


Deluxe Craft Weekend.

Lately I’ve realized that I never share any of my own design work with you, so I’m making an attempt at changing that. I just finished up this logo for the Deluxe Craft Weekend yesterday and am really pleased with the outcome.

If you live in the Oklahoma City area and want to know more about the event you can check it out here. It’s taking place Friday, September 25th through Sunday, September 27th. There will be ten a la carte workshops, crafting advice and support and plenty of good eats. If you’re interested jump now because registrations are limited to 30!


On the Rocks: Peachtree Punch.

This recipe for Peachtree Punch came along at just the right time in my reader, considering it’s Peach Week and all. This one looks to be a little on the sweet side, so I’d probably tone it down some to even things out. One question – why are there not more peach-centric cocktails?!

Peachtree Punch
• 1 medium fresh peach, peeled, pitted and quartered

1 1/2 ounces silver rum
2 ounces orange juice
1/4 ounce coconut syrup
1/4 ounce peach liqueur
1 1/2 cups crushed ice, plus additional ice cubes
1 sprig mint, for garnish
grated nutmeg for garnish

Reserve one of the peach quarters. Combine the remaining three peach quarters, rum, orange juice, coconut syrup, peach liqueur and crushed ice in an electric blender and pulse for a few seconds, just until uniformly combined. Pour into glass and add ice cubes to fill. Garnish with the remaining peach quarter, skewered on a cocktail pick, and the mint sprig. Dust with nutmeg. Serves 1.


Esther Pearl Watson.

I love the magical work of Esther Pearl Watson, especially her flying saucers. And I love that the inspiration for them comes from growing up with a father who built huge ones out of scrap metal and car engines! Guess creativity just runs in the family.