The Daily Eat: Mushroom Ravioli.

{recipe and photo via These Days}

I’m pro cooked mushrooms and anti raw ones. But I do love the little guys and I hope you love Mushroom Week!

I’m not a pasta maker. I’d like to think I could be if I really set my mind to it, but as of today I haven’t. So my thought is that I’d substitute wonton wrappers for the homemade pasta in these Mushroom Ravioli. I’m sorry, Die-Hard Pasta Makers, but that’s just my style!


Win It: for me, for you.

Holy crap am I excited about this giveaway! Kate and I started talking about this a few months before her new shop was even up and running. And now the day is finally here and I’m thrilled – thrilled I tell you – to announce this week’s giveaway from for me, for you! Lovely and awesome Kate is giving away a digital print of the massively cool I Employ Magical Thinking to one of you lucky ducks!

To Enter:
1. If you had a superpower what would it be?
2. Leave your name, a last initial and your email address.
(Unfortunately, those who do not will be automatically disqualified.)

3. Do it all before Monday, June 15 at noon CST

So let’s hear ’em! Can you fly? Are you invisible? Or is it something miles cooler that we’ve never even thought of? A random winner will be announced shortly after the contest ends. Good luck and check out Kate’s blog of the same name – for me, for you – in the meantime!


Happy Weekend.

This week has been one of those rare ones, the kind where I actually feel like I accomplished almost everything I set out to do. Aren’t those the absolutely best?

This Weekend:
• clear out rocks from flower bed (the previous owner’s solution to landscaping)
• take photos inside my house to finally share with you all – thanks for being patient!
• work on new project that I hope to be revealing to you soon
• pick up some groceries for next week
• have some quiet time drawing

I hope you have a lovely weekend – see you Monday!


The Daily Eat: Warm Strawberry Crumb Cake + Strawberry Roundup.

I’m quite literally salivating as I look at this Warm Strawberry Crumb Cake. Cake batter mixed with fresh strawberries and baked until the fruit is all warm and jam-like… what’s not to love?

:: recipe and photo via Food & Wine



I’ve been stalking maythird for some time now because they sell the cutest paper tags. If you haven’t ever stopped by this shop it’s definitely worth a look.


3 to See.

because she’s the mind behind Parasol mag
and shares her pretty downloads

because she’s the Blog Out Loud co-creator
finder of beautiful homes

amazing food and pretty pictures
make this blog highly addictive