Win It: Two Brunettes.

Two Brunettes has been on my radar ever since they jumped onto the Etsy scene with their lovely paper goods and their must-read blog of the same name. Making things even better are the two Brunettes behind the curtain who are sweet as pie. Case in point: this week they’re giving one of you your choice of card from their shop!

How to enter:
• Tell me which card in their shop is your favorite
• Include an email address where you can be reached
• Do it all before Monday, June 8th at noon CST

A winner will be chosen randomly soon after.
Good luck!


Happy Weekend.

I know we just had a three day weekend and all that jazz, but I’m beat. Between the late night NBA Finals and making an attempt to landscape my yard I’m in desperate need of some shut eye! I hope you all have a fabulously relaxing weekend full of wonderful awesomeness!

This Weekend:
• celebrate mom’s postponed/belated birthday dinner at Red Prime Steak
• put together patio set (wish me luck!)
• touch-up baseboards and cabinetry around the house
• buy hanging plants for newly installed hooks on porch posts

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via ffffound


3 to See.

because I bookmark almost all of the recipes
and I love the clean look of the blog
and that you can create your own cookbook

because she’s an amazing artist
and shows the best tutorials
and is still at university

because she sometimes feels the need to write haikus
or wear fake moles
and super duper funny

The Daily Eat: Apricot Chiffon Pie + Apricot Round Up.

My grandmother is a pro at chiffon pies, which is quite possibly why they’re really the only type of pie that I like. Her specialties were peach and strawberry, but I’m thinking this Apricot Chiffon Pie is worth a shot, too!

:: recipe and photo via Martha Stewart

Fridays are quickly turning into my favorite day for The Daily Eat – I love sharing all these extra recipes with you!


Mad Props: May.

Hello there, May, where did you go so fast? Say goodbye to the month with these killer posts from around the blogosphere included in this month’s Mad Props!



I have more paper goods than I can shake a stick at (do people still say that even?), but I can’t stop smiling when I look at ecojot’s collection. Their notebooks are my favorite, but they also have a big ‘ol selection of agendas, calendars and other things covered in their fun and carefree illustrations! (Psst… don’t miss their free eco cards and desktop wallpaper!)