I’m not a math or science girl by any mean, although I did take AP Bio, thankyouverymuch. But I can’t help loving a good, smart art diagram. Lucky for me 9 0 0 0‘s photostream is overflowing with them. (Pssst… the first one is my very favorite!)
Two Brunettes are definitely better than one! It’s evident in Carolynn and Nell’s card designs that they have a special chemistry and work well as a pair. It only makes sense when you know that they’re a graphic designer and copywriter team by day. Check out their super sweet shop and blog for yourself!
Leave it to the Swedish to design something so simple and genius. Check out Mawok. It’s supposed to replace your baby’s crib and be their first bed. You can put it right next to your bed where you can monitor them or just reach out to rock them to sleep. There’s also a version that hangs over doors. And it’s portable, so you can take it on visits or vacations. So smart.
I’m wary of anything that claims it takes like cake. Case in point: Coldstone’s Cake Batter ice cream. Not a fan. But when I saw this recipe for a Wedding Cake Martini I was intrigued…
Ingredients: – 2 oz vanilla vodka – 2 oz pineapple juice – 2 oz sweet and sour mix
Combine in a shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain and pour into a raw sugar-rimmed martini glass. Serves 1.
Note: Avoid using the supercheap, neon-looking sweet and sour mix. It creates a less-balanced, less cake-like cocktail.
Have no fear, according to Martha thick milkshakes are called “cabinets” in Rhode Island. I don’t really care what they are because these Vanilla Cabinets with fresh fruit look ridiculously tasty.
Blank notepaper has to be one of my favorite things. It’s just so full of possibilities and potential. This paper towel tea towel is sheer awesomeness.