I love snippets and scraps of paper. Love them to death, in fact, so it’s no surprise I fell in love with Royal Buffet’s mobiles. Creator Mollie Greene is a girl after my own heart!
Posted In accessories, house and home, paper goodsAs a bonus this week, I’ll be posting two special editions of On the Rocks today and tomorrow afternoon. So yeah, maybe I’m feeling a little guilty and wanting to get a few extra posts in before I head out of town. And I’m figuring with my 10 year reunion being the reason for the trip I’ll need a little extra help digesting all those peeps from the past. Las Super Chevalas should do the trick very, very nicely.
– 4 ice cold scooners or mugs, rimmed with salt
– 4 ice cold Modelo Negro
– 3 shots Jose Cuervo Tequilia
– ice cold juice of 2 lemons
– Lime wedge
In a pitcher, mix the beer, tequilia and lemon juice. Rim the scooner with salt. Pour in and squeeze a wedge of lime.
:: photo and cocktail recipe via exceeding the speed limit
Posted In cocktailsBecause this only a two-day blogging week for me I didn’t want to dedicate The Daily Eat to any one thing. And when I saw these Campfire Cream Puffs this morning I knew I had to post about them ASAP. A kicked up version of your ordinary s’more, these tasty treats employ pre-made biscuit dough in the place of graham crackers. I’m a little worried that if I made them I’d eat the entire tube of biscuits myself!!!
:: photo and recipe via yumsugar
Posted In recipesI love the idea of hosting a Seven Deadly Sins dinner party ala Dragon’s Kitchen. Seven courses, each paired with a corresponding sin, served in a fashion (and portion) so as to not overwhelm your guests and have them leaving with an upset stomach. Seems like the perfect fete for fall!
Mondays can sometimes make it more difficult than usual to be optimistic. It’s nice to have a little reminder. (And it helps if it’s pretty…)
:: via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessHello weekend! I will never understand how shortened work weeks feel so much longer. Fewer days usually means more work to keep you busy. Which in turn makes the days go by faster. But no. There must be some sort of physics equation that I missed for that one.
This Weekend:
• buy hoses and whatnot to hook up new washer + dryer
• proceed and do laundry
• start packing for trip next week (home to PA for 10 Year Reunion – eek!)
• buy at least one outfit for aforementioned trip
• look into renting a car in PA
• mentally prepare for trip (do you sense a theme here??)
• put up newer, cooler, more modern kickass house numbers
• hang more stuff on the walls – I promise pictures are getting closer to happening!
• get a badly needed oil change
• watch college football!
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendLove how “some assembly required” these Mechano chairs look. I want the bright yellow ones in my kitchen so badly.
the mechano chair was more than likely infuenced by the popular british toy with a similar name. made of durable powder coated steel, the chair is available in colorful blue, red, white, or yellow. we could easily see these for use in cafes or as an accent piece.
Posted In furniture, house and homeI really envy people who have the knack for just creating recipes out of the blue. Like the creator of this Key Lime Dream Ice Cream had been making tons of key lime pies this summer and thought “What the hay? Let’s turn it into some ice cream.” I can’t do that. But I’m very, very thankful for those who can!
:: photo and recipe via the kitchn
Posted In recipesI need the Twice As Nice Double Timer in my kitchen. I’ve been making a lot of dinners lately that require a few pots to be going at the same time and using both my oven and microwave timers to keep things on track. Pathetic. This little thingamajig is the answer to my prayers. And as a bonus cute and retro-y.
:: via Rare Bird Finds
Posted In grand design, kitchen