Photographer Crush: She Hit Pause Studios.

She Hit Pause Studios is Matt Schwartz, photographer, and Kate Shawver, web designer/developer. Matt has been photographing his version of the pin-up girl for the past ten years and all of his models are friends or people who have purchased his work which makes it all that much more appealing and interesting. With Polaroids going like hot cakes, seems like the man chose the right business because he’s truly gifted.

:: via coco+kelley


Star Wars vs. Saul Bass.

I’m thinking I would be a waaay bigger Star Wars fan had the entire movie been done like this courtesy of Mr. Saul Bass. Here’s what it might have looked like had it been filmed two decades earlier and Bass had been director.

:: via Neatorama


Andros Bistro Chair.

I need these Andros Bistro Chairs! Especially today when it’s 35º and I’m longing for warm, iced tea sipping weather.

Our take on the iconic seating found in Mediterranean island cafés is durable, colorful and eclectic. The chairs come in a mix of four sun-drenched colors. Styled with curved legs and a slatted hoop backs, they have an artfully chipped painted finish that suggests years of exposure to the sun and sea. Made of weather-resistant metal.

:: via Miss Jane


Chocolate Babka.

This mutant cold that’s had me down all week is insane. I’m the sort of person who gets sick and doesn’t eat, after all, everyone knows the only bonus of being under the weather is the weight loss. No so this time around. I’m been starving. As in eating more than I would on a normal day… times two!

This recipe for chocolate Babka is something I bookmarked this week. And, yeah, it still looks as amazing as when I first laid eyes upon it.

:: via Cheers! An Edible Adventure


Right On Fight On Tee.

Love this Right On Fight On tee, designed by Neil Doshi and the idea behind it all over at The Quiet Life.

“This design is the winner of our online DESIGN A T-SHIRT FOR A GOOD CAUSE CONTEST and is the first t-shirt design in our new GOOD CAUSE project. The idea behind GOOD CAUSE is to help raise funds and awareness for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The cost of these shirts, the screen printing cost, and all other costs were donated to us by our vendors so that 100% of the proceeds from the sales of this design could go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. To find out more about the Cystic Firbrosis Foundation please visit

:: via Cool Hunting