Ellis Gallagher.

“It began this spring without explanation: fire hydrants, street signs and bicycles all over Park Slope and Carroll Gardens in Brooklyn were suddenly standing watch over their own distorted chalk outlines, as if anticipating some violent demise. Whoever did this left no clue other than an ambiguous signature: “© Ellis G. 2007,” scrawled next to the chalk etchings.”

Ellis Gallagher (aka Ellis G.) started his art career as graffiti artist. After brushes with the law (including fines and nights spent behind bars) and the passing of a friend. It was then that Gallagher turned to temporary graffiti – tracing any and every shadow he came across. Check out the whole story here.


Calendar of Matches.

Talk about watching time burn! When I first saw this calendar made of matches by designer Yurko Gutsulyak (for VS Energy International Ukraine Financial industrial group) I was in completely awe of the sheer genius behind the product.

“The idea was to create as unique a calendar so that the process of its presenting would become an outstanding event. Alongside with this, it was important to expose the idea of “energy”, as it is predetermined by the name and logo of the company. Each page is a month and it looks like a comb made of matches that correspond to the days. The matches are real and the construction of the calendar is absolutely safe.”


Heather Frazier Mobile.

Dear Santa,

I’ve been pretty good for the most part this year.

I flipped the minimal amount of people off on the roadways (and those I told were #1 deserved it I might add). I cut back on Happy Hours. And that one day when my cat, Peanut, got stuck in the coat closet for ten hours? Totally his fault.

So if you could just maybe consider putting this Heather Frazier Mobile under my tree this Christmas I’d be very thankful. Especially because I’ve already decided exactly where it will go.



Gift List: The Music Whore.

1. do re mi glasses

2. CD packaging kit: vintage vinyl
Now you can “cut” your own lil’ records with this CD packaging kit! Burn your fave mixes or photos on a disk and then use this kit to transform them into giftable vintage vinyl.

3. vers 1.5r sound system
We’ve created the ideal compact AM/FM sound system for iPod with the full, rich sound you’ve come to expect from Vers. The 1.5R is a true ‘hybrid’: great as a bedside alarm, even better in the kitchen, den or office… anywhere great sound belongs.

4. play and display frame set
Make a feature of your favorite vinyl record covers with these clever frames. The front of the frame flips open with the touch of a finger to let you change your display at whim, while the cushioned back ensures both single and double albums can be accommodated.

5. vintage record coasters
The discs are sealed so moisture won’t seep through to the surface. Comes in a set of six assorted labels packed in a clear, round case.

6. never mind your Ps and Qs – here’s the punk alphabet book
“M is for mohawk, a silly hairdo / It has lots of points, but it has no point, too”

7. sterling silver guitar pick
Personalized with a name and/or message of your choice!

8. LP frame
Frame all of your number one moments with designer Jeff Davis’ photo frames made from a vintage LP (33 rpm) record.

9. felt media pocket
pouch to protect your media device from the bumps and scratches of everyday life. Designed to fit the iPhone, iPod, and other smaller PDAs, phones, and media players.


Roundup: 2009 Calendars Part 4.

I’ll be the first to admit that with FOUR Calendar Roundups, things have gotten a tad bit out of control. But there are so, so many good ones floating about that I can’t resist the urge to share and pass on the goodness!

frankie. With pretty pictures from artists like Beci Orpin, Kat Macleod, Lilly Piri and Catherine Campbell, it’s an exclusive, large-format, 12-month calendar, ring-bound and printed on beautiful art paper.

ilee letterpress and silkscreen calendar. Desk calendar includes 12 monthly cards with one extra year-at a-glance card and it comes in a clear jewel case stand. 10% of the sales will be donated to two non-profit organizations called “Specialized Options for Disabled Adults” and to an orphanage in Thailand.

Yellena. This is a wall calendar featuring 12 of my original drawings. It’s printed on heavy-weight matte paper and tied together with a cute blue ribbon, which makes it easy to hang.

black pearl press. This year i am happy to offer a letterpress calendar designed entirely from simple shapes cut from construction paper. Measuring 3.25 x 6″, the sets are looped with an imported green cotton ribbon for hanging and packaged in a letterpress printed reusable cotton pouch.

happify. This set of twelve cards is offset printed in a rich chocolate brown on an extra-thick cream cardstock (5″x7″). On the reverse side there’s space for writing a note and sending them off as postcards to friends, family, or just those people who need a little more happiness in their lives.

seesaw designs. Letterpress calendar with space to write in all those important appointments and special days.

Becca Heuer. This 4-page seasonal calendar was hand-printed with love on a Vandercook press. It is bound by means of Japanese bindery and perforated at the top for an easy way to tear off sheets as seasons change.



We all make mistakes. We all hate to admit we make them. Oh sets them free for you.

In the 6th grade I told everyone that this girl, Jessica, who was a year older than me was my half sister from my mother’s first marriage. The facts are that I’m an only child and the closest J was to being my halfsie was that she lived a few doors down from me. Oh, and my mom had only ever been married to my dad. Cool, huh? Oh.

Not so long ago I was out doing some shopping and in a foul mood. (Let’s hear it for retail therapy!) When I came out of the store there was a shiny Mercedes parked next to my Xterra. Did I mention that they were only pulled up halfway into the space, crooked, and semi blocking my way out? Well, then that explains me scraping up their nicely painted rear bumper with my slightly less expensive rubber one. It doesn’t? Oh well.

Sometimes I don’t think soup qualifies as a real meal. So I eat another. What, that’s not ok? Oh my.

:: via Mackin Ink