Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts

One of the few places I had a chance to check out during my whirlwind trip to Seattle in July was Top Pot, and to say their doughnuts were mind-altering would be an understatement. Last month brothers Mark and Michael released a cookbook revealing the secrets behind their recipe that dates back to the 1920s. Do yourself a favor and buy a copy, each and every taste bud will thank you!


GAGC Magazine


Andrea Cheng and Meg Wachter are the brilliant ladies behind the blog Got A Girl Crush where they catalogue inspirational women – everyone from Stevie Nicks to Maira Kalman is fair game. And now they’ve launched a bi-annual GAGC magazine spin-off! The first issue was just released and it’s full of ten talented ladies doing cool things in the worlds of art, music, and design. You can pick up a copy here or check it out online for free.


An Illustrated Guide to Cocktails

If my weaknesses for cocktails, illustrations, and cookbooks all got together and had a baby (don’t think about it too hard) it would come out as this book.

An Illustrated Guide to Cocktails, by Orr Shtuhl and Elizabeth Graeber, tells the tales of the heyday of cocktails, from the origin of the margarita to the grandeur of the first celebrity bartender with some modern twists. Along the way, this fun, handheld guide is dabbled with beautiful illustrations and, of course, recipes.

(via Design*Sponge)


Pinhole Cameras: A DIY Guide

An interestingbook from Chris Keeney that shows you how to turn regular household items into rad pinhole cameras. That oatmeal container? Yup. This Kleenex box? Uh-huh. Hoping to experiment on my own sometime soon!


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: sonya

01.  a proper place setting placemat
02. a hypothetical company based on puns
03. vanilla milk with chocolate ice cubes!
04. pretty photography of square foods
05. make a striped camera bag strap
06. great article on why we can’t let design become a boys’ club
07. super duper easy DIY concrete planters
08. rad trailer for a hypothetical Wes Anderson Film Festival


Amazing Face

Nothing makes me happier than when two things I love collide. Amazing Face is a solidly designed tome full of beauty advice and tips written by Zoe Foster. Beauty experts collaborate between its covers to share info on the best makeup for different occasions, skincare routines, step-by-step hairstyle techniques, and more.