The Whole Story.

Talk about a conversation starter. The Whole Story photo albums by Debra Folz are both sculptural and a place to store your memories.

Photographs today are stored and accessed digitally, and viewed one frame at a time. These photo albums were designed to fall off the shelf and land in your life, living amongst you the way the memories do, in between the spaces of everyday, yesterday, and tomorrow. A hybrid of traditional bookbinding techniques and contemporary engineering, they stand independently due to a reinforced front and back cover. A removable binding allows the books contents to be expanded, allowing you to view your whole story.


Paper Pot.

Anyone who knows-me-knows-me also knows that I’m usually attached to a tissue. (Or a paper towel, or a napkin…) But, as a rule, tissue boxes are completely unattractive. Floral motifs, holograms, faux marble… seriously? I’m feeling the need to invest in a Paper Pot. It can be used for either tissues or toilet paper and is completely functional, yet unassuming.


Bathing Girls Tea Set.

I like a little bit of snark and sass in my daily life, so this illustrated Bathing Girls Tea Set would fit right in! Designer Esther Horncher illustrated the ladies to look as though they’re taking a bath in your tea. The set comes with four cups, saucers, and spoons. {via Design Milk}


DIY T-Shirt Aprons.

I love these t-shirt aprons for about 10 zillion reasons.

1. They’re super cute. (Obviously.)
2. They’re easy to make.
3. They’re a great way to save that favorite tee that’s gotten holey.
4. Or take advantage of a great t-shirt sale
5. They’d make an awesome gift.

Okay, five. Five reasons I cannot go on without one.

{via Ruffles and Stuff}


Happy {Halloween} Weekend.

{Katherine Squire}

+ Keep the vampires at bay with this garlic necklace.

+ Have you seen these spookified decoration displays from Making it Lovely and Brooklyn Limestone?

+ If I were in the market for a headstone this would be it.

+ For when you can’t find your phone but have internet access…

+ I’m a sucker for novelty cameras.

+ Check out this great tutorial for making your own pyrite bookends.


+ Definitely making this chicken + noodles recipe within the next week!

+ Why has no one thought of cinnamon toast butter before?!

+ I didn’t have time to throw together a Halloween mixtape, luckily K.I.D. Collective did.

+ And so did Kitsune Noir!

+ Skull wallpaper. Yesssssss.

+ In love with this last minute costume, a flowing hooded cloak.

Happy Halloween Weekend!

Hey: Sunday is the last day to sign up for this year’s Calendar Swap! Get on the ball or miss out until next October. (And possibly be wandering around for an entire year in the meantime, clueless as to what month or day it is. But you know, your choice…)