The Daily Eat: Coconut Spice Tea Cake.

While not my favorite baking ingredient, coconut has been calling out to me more and more lately. Maybe it’s an acquired taste. Maybe it’s just tropical and summery. Or maybe it’s just that I really am my mother’s daughter. (It’s her favorite.)

I’ve been eyeing up this Coconut Spice Tea Cake for some time now. It looks perfect for breakfast, an afternoon shot of sweetness, or dessert. I love foods that are that versatile.

:: photo and recipe via Slow like Honey


The Daily Eat: Strawberry Cinnamon Sugar Muffins.

Sometimes putting together the most obvious things is the absolute last thing I’d think of. Strawberry muffins happen to be my favorite. If you put cinnamon sugar on dirt I’d probably eat it. So Strawberry Cinnamon Sugar Muffins should have been obvious. But they weren’t – to me at least. In fact, now that I have this in my back pocket I may just try the idea with other types of muffins as well.

:: photo and recipe via eggs on sunday

Side Note: What did you think of the first themed week of The Daily Eat? Yay or nay? I tried to mix it up while still focusing on the featured food. Was I successful or not?


The Daily Eat: Biscuits with Balsamic Strawberries and Honey Sour Cream.

I’m excited to announce that The Daily Eat is headed in a slightly new and improved direction – each week will feature a specific ingredient or variety of food. Instead of my usual all over the place-ness things will be a little more organized and focused around these parts. And maybe (just maybe) this newfound sense of direction will somehow rub off onto the rest of my day.

This week? Strawberries. Why? Because they’re absolutely everywhere at the moment and I can’t resist their bright red goodness.

I’m kicking it off with these biscuits with balsamic strawberries and honey sour cream. Because it’s an unlikely combination that makes me wonder what it would taste like on a hot Saturday evening. A little bit Southern. A touch gourmet. A lot of drool.

:: photo and recipe via To Be Mrs. Marv…


The Daily Eat: Sushi Bowl.

I’m posting today’s The Daily Eat a little earlier than usual because I’m starving and just saw this recipe for the Sushi Bowl. Can you say yum?? It’s been way too long since I’ve lingered over sushi rolls and although I’m making an attempt to learn how to make my own (it’s not pretty) this deconstructed version looks hours easier!

:: photo and recipe via 101 Cookbooks