Happy Weekend

PHOTO: Jena Coray

01/ gorgeous color block scarves
02/ whoa, this apartment is intense in a great way
03/ beautiful light paintings of dinosaur skeletons
04/ coveting this zig zag shift dress
05/ pumpkin cocktails with a punch
06/ in lust with this convertible teak pool table
07/ such a great idea, use scarves to make curtains!
08/ make a DIY Kelly Wearstler-inspired scarf


Happy Weekend


01/ looking forward to hoarding apples and making these apple ring fritters
02/ a mini version of this garden wall would look so good on a back porch or patio
03/ this hanger shelf is a brilliant use of space
04/ pretty DIY thread-wrapped hair combs
05/ Joy knows how to throw a cat a birthday party
06/ off-the-wall silkscreened paper masks
07/ typeface birdhouses!
08/ help the wildfire relief efforts in central Texas with these graphic tees
09/ all receipts should be this beautifully organized
10/ make an ombre denim button-up shirt


Where else I’ve been this week:
01/ In Honor of the Ice Cream Cone
02/ DIY Newspaper Gift Bags
03/ DIY Faux Zinc Letters
04/ Make It: Paper Pumpkins for Fall


The Long + Short of It

PHOTO: Alyssa Monks

Last Thursday a not entirely unexpected nor unwelcome event occurred. I was let go from my day job.

This isn’t about the details, more about the reality of the situation. Because after the immediate shock subsided, what followed wasn’t regret but relief. I’d been unhappy and wanting to leave on my own for so long, months now, that it actually feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

There’s also a part of me that’s freaking out about money, naturally. And obsessing over what’s to come next, what the next chapter should be. Do I make the blog my full time job? Become a freelance designer? Or go in the direction I’ve been pulled towards over the past few years – social media for a company I really believe in. They say that you should be paid to be spending your time on what you would be doing regardless, and for me that’s interacting with the wild wonderful internet. So it would seem as though the decision isn’t really a decision at all.

On the heels of that there’s the thought that my next job most likely won’t be here in Oklahoma. I’ve been wanting to head back east towards my family (with the exception of my mom and stepdad, they’re all in Pittsburgh) for some time now. The vast majority of my contacts are in New York and I’ve felt the pull for months to move back. But I own a home, a car, a dog. How are all of these things going to be effected? I’ve already started making mental lists of what I’ll need to get rid of in order to downsize once again. A part of my life I honestly thought was over and done with is suddenly staring me in the face. There’s also the idea that timing is everything, I may end up with a rent and mortgage for a few months and that won’t be any fun.

But even after all of the possibilities, lists, and what-ifs are said and done I’m left with an overwhelming sense of optimism. This is going to be good. It’s going to be just the kick in the ass that the doctor ordered that pushes me towards my dreams. And I know the road isn’t going to be easy, that would be silly. But I also know that if I take it step-by-step it’s going to be entirely worth it. So bright and early tomorrow morning the search commences, contacts and leads will be followed up with and on, and my resume will be updated. Onward and upward and all that jazz.

PS: Thanks to everyone who’s emailed and tweeted their concerns and incredibly uplifting thoughts, your words are more appreciated than you’ll ever know.


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: Jen Zahigian (via Wantist)

No fantastic-amazing-socool links this Friday because my internet usage is limited while I’m in New York. Hope you have an unforgettable weekend and I’ll see you back here live Monday!


Oklahoma Bloggers Night Out

DESIGN: Rachel Shingleton


One thing you might not/probably don’t know is that Oklahoma has a really great blogging community. In this day and age I’m sure lots of cities do, but after living in Oklahoma City for a few years I’m used to fighting the stereotypes.

A few weeks ago a local OKC blogger and Twitter friend, Danielle, emailed me to see if I’d be interested in attending a blogger meetup. I said sure, just let me know when and where and I’ll be there. The next thing I knew there was a time and location nailed down and sponsors involved – talk about putting thoughts into action! She and Rachel Shingleton worked together to assemble a group of female bloggers (mainly design, food, fashion,and lifestyle types) in the OKC area for a night out of talking life and shop. I’d already met about two thirds of them and the newbies certainly did not disappoint.


I snagged a great seat at one end of the table and had fun watching it fill up and the night progress. And since I’ve been fighting a cold all week I opted out of Cheever’s wine list and went with hot tea. In 100 degree weather. Of course everyone thought I was crazy. The biggest disappointment is that I failed to take a photo of the glorious savory strudel Danielle and I shared, I plan on recreating it very, very soon.


Left to right: Danielle Barber, Evie Shaffer, Kathleen Shannon, Rachel Shingleton (hidden), Sara Kate Huff, sponsor from The Makeup Bar, Shana Myers, Erin Cooper, Rita Ortloff (hiding), Susan Wagner, Allison Barta, and Kathryne Taylor


Those of you who know me well know that nothing makes me happier than a good swag bag. (I’ve been known to get somewhere an hour earlier to ensure that I get one in a limited quantity situation.) I was completely impressed with the outpouring of generosity from all the local shops approached, and was flattered when asked to create a mixtape for the occasion.

A huge thank you to all of the sponsors who helped make the evening so great: The Makeup Bar, Chirps & Cheers, Cuppies & Joe (there would be a cupcake in the above photo, but I ate it immediately), Langston’s, Blue Seven, and Uptown Kids.

I had a blast connecting with everyone, hopefully this becomes an event with an even bigger reach sometime soon. Thanks so much to Danielle and Rachel for making it happen!