Happy Weekend


+ CMYK Twister – this needs to be a real thing.

+ Irina Werning’s BACK TO THE FUTURE photography project is ridiculously accurate.

+ Beer + Marshmallows = YESSSSS

+ A vintage postcard time line of Times Square.

+ Ooh, definitely going to make these string + paperclip earrings.

+ Cocktail infographics! If only they were in English…

Happy Weekend!


Happy {Valentine’s Day} Weekend

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+ I’ll be geeking out come Sunday night, tweeting and playing Oscar bingo.

+ It’s Feltron Annual Report time!!!

+ Looking forward to making my own tempura veggies.

+ Obsessed with this Chanel Orange Fizz nail polish.

+ A kick-you-in-the-face-funny V-Day roundup based on your relationship status!

+ Loving the setup and layout of the aptly named Cassette Tape Magazine.

+ Learn to cut a rug with Mr. + Mrs. Cha-Cha!

+ The perfect messy side ponytail.

+ I don’t want to rent this place, I want to move in.

Happy Weekend!


A Tribute to Macarons

I have a confession to make. Prior to a few weeks ago I’d never tasted a true French macaron. I’ll pause while you gather yourself. They’re something I’ve wanted to make for some time because they’re so damn beautiful. But I have this weird reaction to egg whites – they make my tongue itch uncontrollably – so I was skeptical. One bite told me all I needed, no itchiness only deliciousness. So now I’m hoping to make a batch of my own to hand out to friends for Valentine’s Day, these are what I’ve narrowed it down to. (As always click on the photos to be taken to the original source and recipe.)