Chilled Soup is Weird + Delicious.

Chilled soups have always intrigued me. Soup is supposed to be hot! Except when it’s not. Like when it’s in the triple digits and you want a light lunch. Or you want to inject some fruit into the picture. {Click on each picture to go to the original recipes!}


Win It: Roll&TumblePress.

This week’s giveaway is from my neighbors in Arkansas, Roll&Tumble Press. They’re also a huge design crush of mine. Roll&TumblePress is Christie and Caleb, partners in art and life who were born creative. They primarily print art and gig posters with the occasional holiday card thrown in for good measure around the holidays. Inspiration comes from quirky southern things, phrases from their grandparents, musical phases, artists of the past, old architecture and signs, typography, and eavesdropping among numerous other things.

The Process. Each poster begins with something as simple as an image or phrase. Color palette, layout, size and typography are discussed. Caleb begins to illustrate, the line drawing then is transferred to linoleum or wood blocks. These are then hand carved, sometimes by Caleb sometimes by Christie depending on the “style”. Caleb prefers clean and precise, while Christie is more folksy. Once all blocks are carved the type is chosen from the cases, using almost all antique wood type and some vintage lead type. The inks are then hand mixed. Once it’s time to hit the press, they hand crank their vintage Vandercook letterpress once for each color on each poster, talk about labor intensive! The things we do for love.

Roll&TumblePress are giving away a set of their Eat & Drink letterpress posters. I’ve had them bookmarked for weeks! They’re available in three colors for you to choose from. The Drink poster is perfectly Halloween-y to me and would also be great over your bar area. And Eat is obviously kitchen material for sure.

To Enter, Comment and Tell Me:
1. About the first poster you remember adorning your bedroom walls with as a youngster.
2. Leave your email address.
3. Do it all before Monday, August 30th at 9am CST.

The Fine Print: Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winners will be selected randomly using and contacted Monday, August 30th.


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound}

+ Love the look of this redesign for America’s currency.

+ Photographer Sharon Montrose opened the doors to The Animal Print Shop.

+ I’m mad about this color wheel bike!

+ Adult-only foods. Naughty!

+ Wikipedia desktop history wallpapers by Pavel Fuska.

+ No need for a light fixture when the bulbs look this good.

+ Really looking forward to seeing Darren Arnofsky’s latest film, Black Swan, when it’s released.

+ When a wall full of ABC gum becomes art it’s magical.

Happy Weekend!


I Scream, You Scream: Part 2.

As a Friday surprise and in celebration of my air conditioner being repaired I have ten more taste bud-tingling ice cream recipes for you to drool over. Anyone plan on making some this weekend? I’m leaning towards the first one…


I Scream, You Scream.

After you flipped over last week’s popsicle post, I thought I’d make that sort of collection a recurring feature here. These posts will be random and pop up here and there when I notice a particular food trend making the rounds, or maybe it might be something seasonal.

Today it’s ice cream.

But not just any ice cream. Flavors that make you want to sell your soul and call off work to stay home with a spoon. Chocolate and vanilla have their time and place, but this isn’t it. So dig in. {Click on the photo to go to the recipe.}