Monday Goodness: Strugglin’.

Time to pay for those lovely three days off by getting back to work. And working late for the next few days just to make up for yesterday’s freedom. Posting might be a little lighter than usual, but hang in there because I promise to be back to your regularly scheduled blogging as soon as work permits.

PS: Everything worked out and as of July 9th I’ll be an official homeowner! I can’t decide whether to shout with joy or throw up now…

:: image via ffffound


Happy {Memorial Day} Weekend.

Just working on some last minute projects that need wrapped up before the much needed 3-day Memorial Day weekend. Looks like much of my time will be spent going back and forth making an offer on a house (eek!). I promise to share more information – and excitement – as things begin to unfold. In the meantime keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that it all works out and hopefully I’ll have some exciting news to report come Tuesday!

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via ffffound



The saying goes that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I disagree when it’s not so much imitation as flat out stealing. After a heads up from a blogger friend I found out a certain Italian blog has not only stolen one of my old headers, but also has been posting a lot of the same material as Design Crush without giving credit where it’s due. To those of you who have linked to a post on Design Crush please do not think that this is in anyway directed towards you because that really is flattery. This is just plain mean-spirited stealing.

:: photo via ffffound


Happy Weekend.

Hooray for the weekend! I had plans scheduled but they were cancelled, so now I have two glorious days ahead of me with nothing to do but laundry. And I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! Hopefully I’ll be able to get in some pool time and finish my book somewhere in that tight schedule…

See you Monday.

:: photo via ffffound



I think these last few weeks of working like mad has finally caught up with me because today I’m just drained and lacking motivation. Big time. Which is really unfortunate because I have an entire identity system to design. Grrr. Weekend where are you?!
:: image via ffffound


Happy Weekend.

This week has been crazy, but I think I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel – both with work and the mono. I wish my weekend were filled with a backyard soiree like this one, but it isn’t. My plans do include shopping with a friend tomorrow afternoon, house hunting and enjoying the beautiful weather. Not bad by any standards!

Happy Weekend!

:: photo via Snippet & Ink


Like a School Girl.

That’s how I feel this afternoon. Like I’m back in (public, not catholic) high school watching the clock slowly make its rotation and waiting for the final bell. I’m busy, but these past few hours have been creeping by!

:: photo via ffffound


Oh Man.

I’m going to go ahead and apologize now for what is more than likely going to shape up to be a pretty hectic week. Work has been insanely busy (which is good – don’t get me wrong!) and making the hours of the day disappear faster than I’d like. Unfortunately, that doesn’t leave a lot of time for you, my dear Design Crushers. I promise to sneak in posts here and there when possible and to make it up to you as soon as things settle down a bit.


:: photo via ffffound