City Maps


A fantastic trio of graphic-driven City Maps from Owen Gatley. They were originally designed for the ‘Luck’ issue of Ideas Illustrated, but now you can purchase your own right here. I wish more than New York, Paris, and London were in existence but them’s the breaks.



Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

With cream cheese filling. I know. As soon as any month with the suffix -ber rolls around I’m all about pumpkin everything. Last Friday I made these Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with cream cheese filling and they turned out perfect. The cookies were caky and the filling just sweet enough. The only problem? I have two dozen of them and no plans for giving any away…


Campfire Cologne


Tired of your beard smelling like an average office-dwelling man’s? Take your scent outdoors with Campfire Cologne! Just light a stick of cedar, oak, or birch wood then waft it around your facial hair. Tade! Insta-mountain man. And you know how the ladies love that. Respect the Beard!



Electrolux Design Lab Finalists


So now you know that I’m on this year’s Electrolux Design Lab jury. A total honor for me. And you’re about to know what the ten finalist designs are. An even bigger honor for them. The competition was mighty steep (1,200 entries!), and I’d be lying if I didn’t already have a few favorites. You can read more about the finalists right here after viewing the concepts below. Bonus? Click on each image to check out a video of each product in action!

Which is your favorite? Vote for the People’s Choice!




Curious Vase


What’s better than a cleanly designed vase? Several cleanly designed vases nestled one inside the other, where each outer vase has to be broken in order to reach the next. What shape will the next one be? Is it worth it? Curious Vase is definitely aptly named. (via Design Mom)