Almond Orange Breakfast Muesli

Muesli was a foreign concept to me until recently. I knew I loved oatmeal, especially the steel cut variety, but I had no clue you could eat it cold! I’d spotted some recipes here and there, but I never seemed to have all of the ingredients on hand at the same time. I finally took things into my own hands last weekend and came up with this concoction. The end result was nutty, chewy, and super filling. And it was at least six hours before the thought of eating again crossed my mind – perfect for this afternoon snacker!


Almond Orange Breakfast Muesli

• 1 cup steel cut oats
• 1 cup milk (regular, soy, almond, etc.)
• 1/4 C orange juice  (unless you use regular milk, then replace with 1/2 tsp orange extract)
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon or all-spice
• 1/4 tsp ginger
• 1/4 tsp almond extract
• 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
• drizzle of honey

This couldn’t be simpler, you just need to plan ahead because everything needs to sit together in an airtight container for 10-12 hours. (You can replace the steel cut oats with instant for instant satisfaction!) Combine all of your ingredients in a bowl that can be covered or a jar with a lid. Refrigerate 10-12 hours. AND THAT’S IT.

The next morning remove your muesli from the fridge and serve up a portion. Drizzle a little more honey over the top and add some fruit. If things seem a little dry try adding a little more milk. You can dig in then and there or pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds to bring things up to room temperature. I’ve found this recipe to yield about 3 servings, like I said it’s seriously filling! But if you’d like to make more or less just go with the 1:1 ratio of oats to milk and you’ll be fine.


Polli Jewelry

It’s always a fun surprise to spot work from someone I posted about awhile back, like Polli’s current line of jewelry. It’s full of abstract sass, especially the wooden pieces which I can just imagine myself wearing all over town this summer!


Little Corners

You love your home, right? But what about that hand-me-down sofa you just can’t shake. Or the shabby wall-to-wall carpeting that just isn’t in the budget to replace. We all have areas in our spaces that we’d like to improve upon, but why focus on them? Let’s enjoy the parts that make our hearts go pitter patter. The light fixture in the entryway that you saved up for. Or the chair that’s been passed down in your family for three generations. Yes? YES! Our favorite little corners where you wouldn’t change a thing deserve to be celebrated.

That’s why we’re starting a new feature – Little Corners. Right here, right now and I’m kicking things off with my favorite spots in my own house. If you’re interested in contributing and sharing your favorite corners, please email for details. Let’s focus on the things we’re doing right rather than what we’d like to change!











Win It: Souvenir Foto School

You’d like to be a better photographer, right? If you answered yes, I have just the thing for you – Souvenir Foto School! And luckily, we happen to be giving away a spot that could have your name on it.

Souvenir Foto School is a 5-week online course put together by Miss B. of Besotted Brand Blog, a fantastic photographer in her own right. All levels of photo know-how are welcome to join in on the fun, in fact you don’t even need a real camera because your camera phone will do. Crazy, yes? The goal of the course is to improve your skills with photo challenges by using time tested techniques. Put your new-found skills to work for crafts, your Etsy shop, or new photos of your cat – the world shall be your oyster! You can read all about the course right here, you can even sign up if you’re the impatient type like me. Classes start April 1st!

To enter, leave a comment:
1. Tell me why you want to become a better photographer!
2. Leave a valid email address.
3. Do it all before Monday, March 26th at 12am CST. One entry per person.

Winner will be chosen at random using See full giveaway disclosure and rules here

Congratulations to #18 Jessica!


Happy (St. Patrick’s Day) Weekend


01/ umbrellas as lampshades!
02/ make your own lawn games
03/ turn your kettle grill into a pizza oven!
04/ recycle a vintage tablecloth with this letter decor project
05/ fringe tassel garland for your next get together
06/ little DIY geometric boxes
07/ gorgeous animals painted in ink by George Boorujy
08/ pretty dyed simple syrups
09/ DIY these etched Missoni-inspired glasses
10/ can’t stop thinking about these sweet twiggy hairclips