Homemade Spirits.

I’m only speaking for myself here, but my holiday budget is tighter this year than it’s been in some time. I’m talking pre-career. The nice thing about that is that it’s made me think about the gifts I’m giving even more than I normally would. Starting today I’ll be sharing some ideas for handcrafted gifts to make and give.

Sure, I could buy a friend a bottle of their favorite alcohol at the liquor store, but something homemade might be even better. And cost a little less. And be a little cooler, just think of all the bottling possibilities!


Coffee Liqueur

Cranberry Liqueur


4th Amendment Wear.

4th Amendment Wear is a great project aimed at getting people to think a little more about their Constitutional rights. After the latest wave of TSA measures were put into place, Tim Geoghegan and Matthew Ryan began a silent protest of their own. They found metallic type that could, in theory, show up on TSA scanners that would display the 4th amendment, then inked t-shirts and underwear. A thought-provoking way to fuel the debate about safety vs. civil liberties. {via Josh Spear}