Out of Print.

Out of Print’s shirts feature iconic, sometimes out of print book covers and are treated to feel soft and worn like a well-read book. They also do their part to acknowledge that many parts of the world don’t have access to books and are working to change that. For each shirt sold one book is donated to a community in need through Books For Africa.


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound}

+ Hoping these Apple Nachos find my face soon.

+ Why can’t my roof grow a forest?

+ Halloween dessert table, party of one!

+ Great article about chefs, their scars, and how they got them.

+ I love a good bow tie.

+ I automatically don’t like anyone who refuses this Halloween party invitation.

+ Pretty excited about these Pittsburgh tees.

+ Love this Halloween invitation download!

+ Helvetica + Cross-stitch = Awesome

+ Plant your driveway.

+ A scratch-n-sniff print that smells like the moon!

+ This woman chronicled her life in fairground shooting gallery photos.

+ You should pick up a copy of Dick and Jane and Vampires for your favorite kiddo (or kiddo at heart).

+ Some ideas on what to do with the rest of October!

Happy Weekend!


Picture It.

{Enzo & Lulu}

Note: This will be the last daily Picture It. After almost two years of sharing daily photos I’ve decided to switch things up a bit and do themed photo groups once or twice a week instead. It seems as though you’ve all been enjoying those immensely, and now they’ll be a little more frequent.


Framed Friday: No-Bake S’mores Brownies.

So, while I spend the majority of my time photographing cookies and spaghetti and bacon cinnamon rolls, I do venture out of the kitchen from time to time to take pictures of other delicious things. Like puppies. A little while back I was lucky enough to photograph this dynamic due of adorableness:

Can you STAND the cuteness???

Anyway, their owners are almost as sweet as they are, and on the day of our shoot they brought me a delicious box of Fat Witch Brownies. Which in case you haven’t had one, are the Most Delicious Brownies On Earth. And just for the record, the Fat Witch people have never heard of me, did not pay me either in brownies or anything else to say this, this is purely my own love and adoration speaking. This is why I was so excited to hear that the Fat Witch Bakery Cookbook had just been published, full of recipes for unbelievable brownies of every kind… I couldn’t get my hands on it fast enough. And now that I have a copy, let’s just say that there will be a steady stream of brownie making in my house, and I started out with the incredibly easy, amazingly scrumptious recipe for No-Bake S’mores Brownies.

That’s right… no bake. I had my doubts, but I promise you, it’s really true! You crush some graham crackers into tiny crumbs, and mix in some mini-marshmallows and chocolate chips. Then you melt some butter with some beaten egg, sugar and vanilla, stirring over low heat until it thickens just a bit. Cool it down a little, then pour it over your graham cracker mixture. Toss in a few more chips and marshmallows. Mixmixmix. Now spoon the whole thing into a pan that you have lined with foil and pop the whole thing in the fridge. (I love using a fridge in place of an oven!)  Thirty minutes later it will have set into a pan full of s’more brownie wonderfulness.

Fat Witch Cookbook!  I have my eye on the Molasses Brownies next…

No-Bake S’mores Brownies

from Fat Witch Brownies Cookbook

• 10 graham crackers, crushed (about 2 1/4 cups)
• 1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
• 3/4 cups chocolate chips
• 1 stick butter
• 3/4 cup sugar
• 1 large egg, beaten
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Line a 9 inch square pan with foil, leaving some hanging over the sides and grease the foil with butter.
2. Mix graham crumbs, 3/4 cup marshmallows and 1/2 cup chocolate chips together in a mixing bowl. Set aside.
3. Melt the butter in small pot and stir in sugar, egg and vanilla. Stir over medium low heat until slightly thickened. Cool slightly.
4. Add sugar mixture to graham mixture and stir well. Fold in remaining marshmallows and chips.
5. Press mixture into pan and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Remove from pan using foil overhang, cut and serve.

~ Kate, Framed


DIY Arrows.

Is this National Awesome DIY Project Week? Why didn’t anyone tell me?! I’ve come across some of the very best do-it-yourself projects ever over the past few days. Today it’s all about decorative arrows. I know you’ve seen them, priced them, then most likely run screaming for the hills. Lucky for us, Danielle Thompson took it upon herself to put together this phenomenal tutorial featuring three different types of arrow designs. I’ve got it bookmarked for one of those long winter days that are just around the corner.


Birch Bark Vases.

Birch trees are most likely my favorite tree species. Growing up my grandparents had a huge one in their front yard. I spent hours under its lofty branches, peeling the paper-thin bark off and destroying it of course.These days I have a much higher level of respect for nature in general, especially when it’s cast copper sheathed in silver and takes the form of a vase.