Calendar Swap ’11.

It’s been twelve long months since the last one, and I’m super stoked to announce the kickoff of the Design Crush/Greedy Girl Calendar Swap ’11! I’ll be posting lots and lots of calendars throughout the next few weeks, as will Caroline, to give you some ideas and send you in the right direction.

Here’s how it will go down:

+ By October 30th, e-mail and answer the following:

  • What’s your name?
  • What’s your e-mail address?
  • What’s your blog or website? Or, if you don’t have one of your own, what’s your favorite blog?
  • What’s your snail-mail address?
  • For U.S. swappers, which do you prefer — an international or a stateside swapmate? Does it matter?

+ We’ll pair you up and send your swapmate’s details your way on or around November 1st.
+ You must have your calendar sent by November 21st.

Some Tips:

+ Keep your calendar under $30 but no less than $20. And since there are some perfectly lovely and super-affordable calendars out there, you might try throwing in a few small goodies if the value doesn’t quite add up.
+ Mall kiosk calendars (sudoku, lettuce babies, Edward Cullen, etc.) are not ok. Just don’t do it.
+ Handmade is most definitely welcome — just keep in mind the $20-$30 suggested value.
+ Check out your swapmate’s web site or blog, or consider getting to know his or her tastes via e-mail, to get an idea of what he or she might like.
+ Please, please, please send your calendar on time and do not drop the ball. It breaks our hearts to hear of someone waiting well into the new year for their calendar or, even worse, not receiving one at all.


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound}

+ I’ve been munching on Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts over the past month, now I’m tempted to make my own (decidedly more healthy) version.

+ These velvet pumpkins are a luxe twist on Halloween decor.

+ A few more October desktop wallpapers 1, 2, 3

+ Pasta Whistle!

+ I want to visit this cafe that looks like it’s been flipped on its side.

+ Crazy about this modern crepe paper lantern project!

+ Knitted graffiti on a bridge in Australia.

+ I kill everything, including succulents, but I still want to make a terrarium.

+ What does your Facebook portrait say about you? (I’m possibly balding, among other things.)

+ In love with this raggedly striped bathroom.

+ I want to plan a road trip based around roadside motels.

+ Who doesn’t need a trapeze in their home?!

+ Have a writing deadline? Check out Write or Die.

+ I want to move into this beautiful gray space. Or at the least, paint my living room and main hallway.

Happy Weekend!


Framed Friday: Easy Spring Rolls.

I have to say that spring rolls were something that I never thought I would make, and I’m still not sure what possessed me. But one day I just woke up with a burning desire to make these, and I have to say that they were:

1. Delicious!!!
2. Super-easy to make.
3. Probably the best way to use up leftovers that I have ever run into.

Honestly, the hardest part of the whole thing is finding these.

These are technically called rice noodle wrappers, and when I say they are hard to find I actually don’t mean hard at all – they were in the first market I walked into. And if worst comes to worst, I know you can absolutely find them on Amazon, which is my go-to source for pretty much anything that I have trouble finding out in the real world. Anyway, the key to making these is to have all your ingredients organized before you start out. Any combination of things that feels good to you is fair game, but just to get you started, here are the combinations I went with: shredded cooked chicken, fresh parsley, shredded carrot and chopped mango. Chopped cooked shrimp, mint leaves and shredded carrot. Sliced avocado, basil leaves, cucumber cut into tiny strips, and shredded carrot.

So!  Fill up a wide bowl with cold water,  take one of the rice wrappers, and dunk it in the water until it is pliable (this will take less than a minute). Take it out and lay it on your work surface and then cover the bottom third with your choice of filling, leaving about a one inch border on the edge. Fold that bottom edge over the filling and roll it over once. Tuck in the sides and finish rolling until you have a nice tight roll.  That’s it – you have made spring rolls!!

These are fabulous with whatever dipping sauce you like best – soy sauce, chili sauce, or make a wonderful peanut sauce by mixing up peanut butter, a little warm water and a little lime juice until you have the right consistency for dipping. Perfect for weekend snacking!!

~ Kate, Framed


Kiki & Polly.

A few weeks ago Joanna notified me that I’d won the Kiki & Polly giveaway on her blog. Not only did it make my day, but intensified the crush I’ve had on portrait artist Lisa Golightly tenfold. Lisa is super talented and speedy (it didn’t even take her two weeks once I emailed my photo), she’s also sweet as can be. I can easily think of ten events Lisa’s work would be perfect for in life. My portrait showed up in the mail yesterday, along with a few little sample pieces, and I immediately ran out after work to buy a frame. I stupidly forgot to photograph it in its environment, but couldn’t wait to share my winnings with you.