Gifted: Flight Bag.

I love the vintage look of Wm. J. Mills & Co.’s flight bags. They remind me of the days when getting on an airplane was a luxury and sort of glamorous. You know, the days when you were actually served instead of herded. But I think they could also remind me of a lunch bag to haul my daily necessities back and forth from work! (They come in a ton of colors, but I’ve been on a gray and canary kick lately.) {via housemartin}


Christmas Card Roundup: Part 2.

{Rifle Paper Co.}
Garland Christmas Card

Stay tuned for Part 3 tomorrow!


Word: Capturing the Seven.

I think I lost him…

Thank goodness I decided to wear these black boots and not those white stilettos my high-fashion mother wanted me so desperately to don on my wide, athletic feet. These cobblestone streets and high heels would have been a recipe for disaster. Or at least a host of cuts and scrapes taking residence on my knees.

No one could understand why I wanted to wear a short white dress. Non-conformist they called me. Who wears a short white dress? I do, I told them. I will, I asserted to them. I am, I proclaimed to them when they greeted me after the ceremony. It was then that they ceremoniously glanced from my perfectly pinned back hair on down to the thin strand of pearls around my neck and sighed with relief. ‘At least she did two things normal’ they were thinking. ‘Normal’. I had begun to hate the word about 6 months ago and it made my blood boil more and more every time I heard it. Why do things have to be ‘normal’? Why can’t they have personality? Or just be our way? Why not?

The plan was hatched after the third month of hearing “Why not do it this way? It’s the normal way to do it.” There was a reason we suggested eloping a year ago. It was to avoid days like this but of course neither side of our families could accept it. So as we went along with “their” plan, we wrote up our own. After the cutting of the cake we would each sneak off without detection; everyone would have had their fair share of champagne, vodka gimlets, and sugar by then. They wouldn’t notice as we left out of separate exits only to meet about 10 minutes away at our favorite bistro. They wouldn’t notice a thing.

And they didn’t. Except the photographer. I couldn’t help myself! I wanted to document the first day of the rest of our lives. As I was sneaking toward the exit to make my escape, I realized that I hadn’t brought my own camera and the hired photographer’s would be the one that I was taking with me. And so I grabbed it and ran.

And here I am now. One block away from my new husband; who will be ready to run away with me. To live our lives the way we want. As non-normal as we want. With a ‘borrowed’ camera and all…

:: written by Jennifer of Capturing the Seven


Christmas Card Roundup: Part 1.

I’ve already written out my Christmas cards. There, I’ve said it. It’s just that once Thanksgiving shows up everything seems to snowball, free time included. It’s all spent shopping for the perfect gift or attending yet another ugly Christmas sweater party. You know how it goes, I know you do.

But I always feel a touch of remorse once I see all of the beautifully designed holiday cards, so I bookmark them all for possible lovelies to send out next year. And of course, to share with you all. Over the next three days I’ll be posting a three-part roundup of cards from my very favorite shops. (Note: I’ll only be posting one per shop, so if you like what you see click on the link to check out more!) I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and maybe even find the ones you just have-to-have!

{Linda & Harriett}
Holiday Greetings multi-pack

Stayed tuned for Part 2 tomorrow!


Win It: Vivi Dot.

I’ve been a fan of Vivi Dot’s ( aka Molly Gaines) watch necklaces for some time, so I was pumped when she offered to do a giveaway! Vivi Dot is the namesake of Molly’s grandmothers (Viv and Dot) and she credits them for her creativity, moxie and sense of humor. Her prints, fabrics and images are sure to bring a pop of color and personality to any basic outfit that needs a little something extra!

Now here’s where it gets reallllly good. Molly’s a doll and has included a ton of goodies that are sure to get your in the holiday spirit! The booty includes:
+ a Red and White Chrysanthemum Watch Necklace
+ a Holly Jolly Button Gift Pack
+ a pair of White Hair Bows on Purple
+ and a Gnome Ring

To Enter, Tell Me:
1. Your favorite Thanksgiving dish. (You totally thought I was gonna bring up Christmas, right?)
2. Your email address, to be notified if you win. (Unfortunately, those who do not will be disqualified.)
3. Do it all by Monday, November 30th at 9am CST.

In the meantime, why not do a little holiday shopping? Vivi Dot’s shipping is only $3 for the U.S. and Canada and $4 international! Now that’s a deal.


The Daily Eat: Grilled Turkey and Brie Sandwich with Cranberry Chutney.

It’s Thanksgiving Week, which means food, food and even more food! And while I can hardly wait for my Mom’s cranberry sage stuffing and our annual dessert contest, I’m also thinking about ways to use up the inevitable leftovers. And there are always lots of them. Especially turkey. Which is why I’ve dedicated this week to the tasty bird. Do you have any go-to recipes to use up your Thanksgiving feast the day after?

I never eat as many sandwiches as during the holidays. They’re fast, easy to make and most of the time only help to make room in the refrigerator for even more, yes, food. But they can get boring oh so quickly, so I’m always looking for ways to mix it up. I think I’ll make a few of these Grilled Turkey and Brie Sandwiches with Cranberry Chutney for my Mom and I to enjoy during our Black Friday Shop-a-thon throwdown!