Beth Retro.

Blow me over like a feather, I’m smitten with Beth Retro and her pretty series of photos featuring a strand of fairy lights. I love the monochromatic theme of each one and how the slightly blurry focus makes them feel all the more magical.


Old Soul, New Heart.

I think it would be safe to say that I want to be Shea of Old Soul, New Heart. She’s gorgeous (seen modeling below), has great style and all of these amazing revived vintage accessories at her disposal. Oh yeah, as well as being ridiculously creative and BFFs with her mom. Girl crush noted.


Word: evie s.

wake up.

in a long cavernous hall
nearby, a sign
two keys
not sure what it means
body cold and spread
was i left for dead?
an eerie light
where am i?
eyes closed
tears are shed.
a whimper, a whisper
“the keys,” she said.
one for this door,
one for that
footsteps near, she cranes her neck
a gentle tug on the door and he suggests

“honey? come back to bed.”

must have been sleepwalking again, she warily said.

A big thank you to evie s. for this week’s contribution to Word!

Win It: Sara Norris Photography.

I own more cameras than anyone has a right to. From a point and shoot 35mm to a Polaroid and everywhere in between. Cameras are something I’ve been fascinated with all my life – I got my first Fisher Price one when I was 5. And as much as I love, love, love all of them, I don’t use them as much as I should. It’s always Oh, I wish I had a camera right now or I don’t want to stuff yet another thing in my purse.

That’s why I envy people like Sara Norris. True photographers who catch every day life through the lens of their camera. Who never fail to capture a moment or the mundane in a different light. This week Sara is offering one of her stunning 8 X 8″ photographs to one of you lucky ducks! Winner’s choice, my two favorites are seen above.

To Enter:
1. Tell me about your favorite photo of yourself
2. Leave your email address (those who do not will be disqualified)
3. Do it all before Monday, September 21st at 9am CST

While you anxiously await next Monday at 9:01 am, you can get your dose of Sara at her website, blog and flickr account!


We Make Words.

Amy and Luci love words. And I love what Amy and Luci do with words. Because I love words, too.