Revelry Vinters.

Can’t say that I’ve ever turned down a box of wine. But this box of vino from Revelry Vinters is extraordinary. Not to mention space saving or the fact that you’d be proud if someone saw it kicked back in your fridge. And the fact that the company actually cares a good deal about how their wine is packaged is a total turn on.

:: via the Dieline


Can Strainer.

A can strainer. It allows you to drain canned goods with one hand while keeping everything in the can instead of going down the drain. And loads better than using the ragged metal lid you’ve just cut off. Simple design that every kitchen needs. Is it wrong that I’m considering using my cocktail shaker strainer in the meantime?



Very cool project going on in the home of recovering lazyholic!

“colorful reminders spattered all about my house might make me more prone to living my life a little better. that or give the appearance that i am completely incapable of being an adult without visual aides. i can’t seem to stop myself from adding more and more.”


The Daily Eat: Cool Cucumber Soup.

Cucumbers are one of my favorite sumer veggies. I love the crispness and mild flavor. Cucumber season isn’t here quite yet, but I thought I’d get your summer recipe wheels a-turnin’ with Cucumber Week.

I think I’ve only eaten a cold soup maybe, oh, once in my lifetime. They’re all over the place, just not on my table. But I’m thinking that could change with this recipe for Cool Cucumber Soup. I love the simple ingredients used and that it probably packs a mean flavor punch.

:: recipe and photo via Eggs on Sunday


Win It: Linda & Harriett.

Linda & Harriett recently expanded their line of much sought after notepads to include thirteen designs! Measuring around 5.25 X 8.5″ and weighing in at 100 pages, they’re bigger than your average notepad for lots of notes and doodling. I have this one and it makes me happy each and every time I use it.

And lucky, lucky you because they’re offering up one of their lace notepads to one of you!

Here’s how to enter: I want to know if you could write one letter who it would be to and why. Your BFF? Your BF? Or maybe even yourself? You have until next Monday, May 18th at noon CST to comment. (US residents only please.) Please include your email address to be eligible. A winner will be chosen shortly after. Good luck!