Cerise Doucede

Cerise Doucède-1-Design Crush


Cerise Doucede creates beautiful photographs of people in the midst of everyday situations. With the exception of the swarming objects all around them that is. Each photo takes three days to prep before shooting and the end result is pure magic.


Cerise Doucède-2-Design Crush

Cerise Doucède-3-Design Crush


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ Shetland ponies in cardigans. Enough to make me visit Scotland.
02/ How to ride an escalator.
03/ Amazing things that could happen after just one more cup of coffee.
04/ Fire + Ice.
05/ Horses inside out!
06/ Pretty fruits + vegetables cross-sectioned and organized by color.
07/ Geometric skull ice cube molds.
08/ A bird ballet.
09/ The Wobble Chess Set makes me really want to learn to play.
10/ So that’s not fabric. It’s wood.


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ LEDscape, an installation of 1,200 IKEA floor lamps.
02/ Defrosting an entire cold storage building.
03/ The Home Office Beach!
04/ A study of butterfly wings.
05/ Meet Momo, like Where’s Waldo with an adorable dog.
06/ NeighBirds. Heh.
07/ A Visual Compendium of Guitars.
08/ Smorgasboard, an illustrated board game for foodies.
09/ Jeni’s cure-all, Influenza Sorbet!
10/ No big deal, just an espresso vending tricycle.


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ Yeah, I’d live in this glass house.
02/ Hate mail I’d like to receive.
03/ Knit credit cards.
04/ So creeped out by these imagined normal celebrities.
05/ Hand-cut chrome furniture, wow.
06/ Photos of people caught mid-sneeze.
07/ A crazy wooden domino tree.
08/ An edible s’mores box!
09/ Love this thermochromic table. Lots.
10/ Beautiful aerial shots of Manhattan.


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ Geometric snow art stomped with snowshoes.
02/ Eruption, the title speaks for itself.
03/ Beautiful star trails in the night sky.
04/ Anatomical body painting.
05/ Presidents + US currency + the Justice League
06/ Create your own soundtrack with Sound Bottle.
07/ Posters featuring the entire text of a book.
08/ How to Build a Rainbow Igloo!
09/ Flying houses!
10/ Giant, un-poppable bubbles!


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ Who wouldn’t want golden balloons holding up their coffee table??
02/ Beautiful outdoor sculpture of women floating in midair.
03/ Cement people dangling from umbrellas.
04/ Darkened Cities, photos of major cities in blackout mode.
05/ Pantone-inspired scarves!
06/ Time-lapse photos of nude dancers.
07/ Temporary Nimbus Clouds bring the weather indoors.
08/ Origami mosaics.
09/ Firewall, an interactive fabric surface.
10/ What happens when you wakeboard in a cranberry bog?


Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ Scotch tape portrait series.
02/ Holiday Party Bingo!
03/ Mathematical street art.
04/ Beautiful arctic ice flowers.
05/ A fleet of 300 illuminated boats.
06/ Plywood stars in the middle of the dessert.
07/ You should definitely listen to Matt + Kate Covers 2.0!
08/ A tree in Belgium made of ceramic cups and plates.
09/ 17th century style stereoscopic vases.
10/ Sleek and subtle, the Lithe clock.



Happy Weekend

1-Design Crush

2-Design Crush

3-Design Crush

4-Design Crush

5-Design Crush

6-Design Crush

7-Design Crush

8-Design Crush

9-Design Crush

10-Design Crush

01/ A necklace of family memories.
02/ And then a giant duck floated down the River Thames.
03/ I want to swing on this art exhibit so badly!
04/ A nativity for the minimalist.
05/ Printable wrapping paper for classic video game lovers.
06/ A lamp that blows bubbles!
07/ Beautiful architectural watercolors.
08/ How babies are really made.
09/ Sculptures made of thousands of pennies.
10/ A clever Urban Shelf.


Happy Weekend

01/ Loving these driftwood horse sculptures.
02/ How to stock the perfect winter pantry.
03/ I never finish a bottle of nail polish, DOSE minis are perfect.
04/ I wish I had a big mug of this lavender hot chocolate in front of my right now.
05/ Lollipops in grownup flavors.
06/ It’s a little late, but you can still make a DIY Beer Advent Calendar.
07/ Oh my gosh, I want to hide a gift in this confetti surprise jar so bad!
08/ This Is a Memory, audio recordings of strangers’ memories.
09/ I’ll be eating more of these now that I know how to easily seed a pomegranate!
10/ Beautiful macro photos of snowflakes and ice structures.