Tie Tea.
George Lee likens his design of Tie Tea to a boat tied up to the dock. No more losing the string of your tea bag in a mug of hot water.
Posted In grand design, kitchenGeorge Lee likens his design of Tie Tea to a boat tied up to the dock. No more losing the string of your tea bag in a mug of hot water.
Posted In grand design, kitchenBees have a natural geometry, did you know? The HIVE Honey Set was created to portray just that. Crafted from either clear or frosted blow molded glass, it comes with a dipper made from sustainably farmed Maine maple. One of the most well-designed vessels with a purpose that I’ve ever seen.
Posted In grand design, kitchenThey say that cooking is an art, while baking is a science. I tend to lean towards the baking side of the spectrum, so being precise is big deal in my kitchen. Measurements, specific temperatures, baking soda versus baking powder. I love all of it. I’m a precise kind of girl by nature, really. Here are a few kitchen guides that have caught my eye lately.
Apron Guides. An entire apron full of useful information designed by John Caswell. Numeric conversions, cooking times for vegetables, roasting times for birds, freezing instructions, defrosting times, a cooking glossary and more right at your fingertips. And oriented so that you can pick up the hem in a pinch.
Cheat Sheet Placemat. A great way to teach kids to help out at the table. Or, if you’re like me, to teach yourself. Cotton and machine-washable for use time and time again. {via bltd}
Pastry Board. I’m currently trying to master the perfect pie crust, so the diameter measurements would greatly help me out and save lots of time. You can use the reverse side for chopping. It’s made from sustainable North American Birch, which makes you feel like you’re doing some good while getting a great product. {via design is mine}
+ I may have finally found a use for my paint chip collection!
+ Can’t wait to try my hand at these gift toppers.
+ I’d love to get a sweet note on one of these minis.
+ I can’t believe September is here and neither can my desktop. 1, 2, 3, 4
+ When a bicycle and a pickup truck have babies…
+ Mad about the old-meets-new site design of Quipsologies.
+ I need this ID Blocker for my junk mail! I’m so tired of shredding everything.
+ It’s not too late to pass out invitations for a Labor Day shindig!
+ Have you seen this interactive film from Arcade Fire? Totally worth your time.
+ Hipster dinosaurs? Yes, please.
+ I need an iPad so I can buy one of these cases.
+Tea towels as curtains. Brilliant.
+ Loving Cee Lo Green’s F*ck You song and video!
Happy Labor Day!
Happy Weekend!
Hey, wait! Don’t forget, you have until Monday at 9am CST to tell me about the room in your home that needs a little TLC not the band for a chance to win a Design in a Bag!
It’s referred to as a cake stand, but I’m thinking this is more of a tiered server or fruit stand. In my world that means it’s really for collecting my rings and baubles upon my dresser. Don’t you love how it stacks together and still manages to look good? Me, too.
Fragile banks are all the rage, I love the delicacy of Leon Ransmeier and Andrew Hughs’ handblown glass Bubble Bank. Of course you’d have to break it to release the change, which is something I could never bring myself to do. I have two small glass banks from when I was a kid that are as full as can be and remain unbroken to this day. {via core77}
These modern metal bird feeders by Joe Papendick are inspired by the shape of old wooden birdhouses, but will last ages longer. I need to get one so Roxy and Peanut the have something to chatter at through the patio doors!
The cone is usually my favorite part of the ice cream experience (with all that melty sweet ice cream inside – yum), but for these porcelain Sugar Cones by Virginia Sin I think I’ll make an exception.
I didn’t think it possible, but Ciclotte actually makes me want to exercise. Talk about getting my heart racing, whew! {via Design Milk}
Lately I’ve been noticing a trend in the design of play spaces. Namely that not all of them are horrendously designed. Some even seem as though they might mesh with the design of your own home, instead of standing in the corner like a large plastic monolith.
First up, Brinca Dada’s Emerson House. The modern dollhouse has tons of features including mitered-glass corners, two fireplaces, sliding glass doors, solar panels, and recessed LED lights. It’s also constructed using only non-toxic and lead-free wood stains and paints. A lesson in design appreciation paired with environmental responsibility. Who couldn’t get behind that?
Next are Modern Playhouse’s Wedge House and Circle House. Designed by Gitane Royce and Nisreen Witt using no flimsy parts or garish colors. Just a sustainable playhouse made from locally-sourced and recycled materials and a blank palette for the imagination.
Lastly, this pop-up playhouse called My Space designed by Liya Mairson. Perfect for small spaces with little square footage or storage, this bad boy actually folds up flat.
PS: Also check out Dave Keune’s Nina’s House – crib, playpen, storage, drawers, and changing table. An all-in-one piece with a sleek white modern look.
Posted In grand design, kids, trends