Bison Home
Twenty-one years ago creative director Brian Turks founded Bison Home by combining Scandinavian and Asian influences to create an aesthetic with simple lines and put colors. (Side note: the logo draws its origin back to the elegant simplicity of Bronze Age cave paintings in Altamira in Spain!) Since then the label’s range has expanded, always using the finest materials and including a wide range of colors and textures.
Each piece is designed… based on a personal experience or reflection. Our milk bottles stem from handleless jugs at my grandmother’s home. The mixing sets from baking and the battle over who got the spoon versus the bowl. Cucina platters originate from outdoor summer dining in Sweden with an endless supply of seafood. Our fågel pitchers are based on geese and their spouts reflect the indolent way they hold their heads as they walk. Each memory resonates with us and in the same manner we try to convey it to others.