The Daily Eat: Lemon and Blueberry Upside Down Cake.

My grandma has a little blueberry bush on the edge of her property back in Pennsylvania. Each and every summer I’d look forward to them getting plump and juicy, then load them into empty butter containers. YUM! With that little trip down memory lane I introduce to you Blueberry Week 2.0… enjoy!

It took me a long time to realize fruits other than pineapple can be made into upside down cakes. Dumb, but true. The flavor combinations in this recipe for Lemon and Blueberry Upside Down Cake has me dreaming of reading the paper over lazy cups of coffee.


The Daily Eat: Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad + Salad Roundup.

This Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad looks amazing, but what I’m really interested in is the accompanying vinaigrette. It has – are you ready for this? – actual caramel sauce in it. It’s definitely a salad on the sweeter side between the dressing and the cinnamon sugar pecan crust on the chicken. I think I’m game. Are you?


The Daily Eat: Roasted Strawberry Salad with Baked Goat Cheese.

Goat cheese is one of those things that I always forget I love until I see it mentioned. Breaded and baked goat cheese is one of life’s little pleasures – it turns into a cream cheese-like consistency with a little crunchy crust that words can’t describe. I love the idea of pairing it with something sweet and juicy like this Roasted Strawberry Salad with Baked Goat Cheese. YUM!


The Daily Eat: Chopped Salad.

The first time I ordered a chopped salad I was all “Woah, that was the easiest salad I’ve ever eaten!” Because everything is all chopped up into bite-sized pieces it really requires minimal work on your part as far as the actual eating goes. And the beauty of a chopped salad is you put whatever the heck you want into it!


The Daily Eat: Chicken Salad with Parmesan.

{recipe and photo via Anne’s Food}

I love salads. Seriously, if I had to choose only five (albeit, vague) categories of foods to eat for the rest of my life salads would be on that list. I hope you enjoy Salad Week as much as I will!

Chicken Salad with Parmesan has a little bit of everything that makes a great salad in it – some crunch, some protein and a nice medley of flavors all playing around together. I’m making this one for dinner tonight!


The Daily Eat: Mushroom Bruschetta + Mushroom Roundup.

{recipe and photo via Elinluv’s Corner}

Mushrooms aren’t something you’d normally think to pair with a baguette. But that’s exactly what’s done in this recipe for Mushroom Bruschetta. And according to the write-up it’s a dynamic duo!


The Daily Eat: Creamy Mushroom Stroganoff.

{recipe and photo via Willams-Sonoma}

When I was a kid my favorite meal in the entire world was stroganoff. And the mushrooms were the very best part. I’d do everything in my power to get as many as possible on my plate of egg noodles! This recipe is a more grown up version of stroganoff than what I’m used to with the addition of white wine, but it looks simple and savory.