Top 10 New Design Blogs to Watch.

Su Ling at laissezfaire has asked me to post about the Top 10 New Design Blogs to Watch online poll.

Here are the rules:
1. This is an online poll in search for the Top 10 NEW Design Blogs.
2. The blog nominees should be less than 1 year old.
3. Please email your votes (up to 5) to by October 15th.
4. For more info check out Su Ling’s post here.

These blogs are not superblogs. Yet. The objective is to reveal your favorite new design blogs (less than 1 year old). To nominate a blog, send an email to by 15th October 2007 . Each person can vote for up to five candidates. The votes will be tallied and posted together with The Home Rejuvenation’s current poll to compare the results.

Happy voting!


A Brief Message.

I’ve been reading A Brief Message religiously for the past few weeks. ABM features design opinions in 200 words or less, the topic changes every few days, as does the author and illustrator. The most recent – Arrogrance and Humility – was written by Clay Shirky and illustrated by Louise Ma. I always like seeing what other have to say about the industry and digging into the mentalities of those within.


Cupcake Bakeshop.

I came across a new blog today – Cupcake Bakeshop – written by a woman who tracks down cupcake recipes (as well as creates her own) and posts them all on her blog. Mmm…cupcakes.