How Sweet It Is

no-bake coconut cream (goat cheese) cheesecake


white chocolate lavender vanilla popcorn


white pizza dip


Everyone has a secret favorite site, I don’t care who you are. Blogger or not, sometimes you don’t want to spill the beans on where all of the good stuff comes from. Well, in the case of food blogs I’m spilling. This site is just too good not to, the kind where I pin nine out of ten recipes posted.

Meet How Sweet It Is.

I’ve been following this blog for a few years, and just now realized the girl behind it all – Jessica – lives in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. And a new layer of love is added just like that. Jessica’s recipes are beyond good, they’re smart. And I think what sets them apart is the tweaking of one or two ingredients, like adding goat cheese to cheesecake or lavender to popcorn (see both above). I also love the way she looks at food through her camera lens as, really nice shots that make you start drooling on your keyboard just a little. Like I am now.


Olympic Mania

Don’t even get me started on that logo, but the 2012 London Olympics kick off Friday and I couldn’t be more excited – I’m such a nerd. I guess it all started back in the Barcelona Games in 1992, when Kim Zmeskal and Shannon Miller (who I later took a college anthropology course with, FYI) faced off in gymnastics. I recorded it on VHS and rewatched the all-around competition over and over again. Like I didn’t know the end result. There’s just something so captivating about people who work so hard and are so incredibly driven towards something that gets me in the gut. Which is why I’ll be absolutely glued to the television for the next two weeks and go into a mild depression after the Closing Ceremony. Wait, is 32 too late to pick up a sport?

11 Vintage Sports Posters to Celebrate the Olympics

An Olympic Medal Worthy of a Design Award

London Skyline Print

Coca-Cola Beatbox

The 2012 London Olympics Torch

London By Hand Poster

The History of Olympic Pictograms

That Big Event in London Reality Check Souvenir Bags

MEANDTHIS’s take on the Olympic Posters

Olympic Party Invites

From London to London, 54 Years of Olympic Logos

Banksy Interprets the Olympics


Icebox Easy

When in the midst of a heatwave, the last thing anyone really wants to do is turn on the oven. But when the urge for something sweet hits you, well something just needs to be done. Enter icebox desserts. Super popular in the 1920s, they’re easy to make and sit overnight in the fridge. Quite the sweet tooth saver and I love their striations when sliced up and served.













All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.



Remember last month when I mentioned Design Crush was turning five and we were going to celebrate? Well we did!

Two weeks ago a great group of friends and supporters spent an evening at The Wedge chowing down on gourmet pizzas and libations, including a fresh-squeezed grapefruit margarita named The Crush just for the occasion.

Danielle (left) and Susan (right) of EngageOKC were my lovely sponsors/coordinators who put everything together. And did I mention it was 100+ degrees outside? And that it took place on a patio? Because yes and yes, so please ignore my hair.

My favorite local stationery shop, Chirps and Cheers, put together these fun goodie bags for everyone who came to celebrate. You guys, Black Pearl erasers. I didn’t even know such a thing existed!

Two of my favorite ladies in attendance, Erin of CooperHouse and Kate of Cookie and Kate. Erin and her husband, Tim, are my web developers and instrumental to any sort of success Design Crush has experienced. And Kate made the best mixed berry bundt cake with lemon cream cheese glaze as a celebratory dessert.

My family (well, the few who live in Oklahoma) even made an appearance. My stepdad Bill, my mom Cynthia, and the infamous Pete!

I really can’t say thank you enough to everyone who reads Design Crush, I don’t have the words. However, as a small act of gratitude I have ten goody bags that I’m giving away to the first ten commenters. Please leave a valid email address to be contacted.

And here’s to five more!

All photos ©Regan of Afashionado


Update: We have our ten winners, watch your inbox folks!


Happy Weekend

01/ Musical wine glasses!
02/ Easy DIY candle stakes for your yard.
03/ Clever DIY painted wall frames.
04/ TellTails. When you feel like your ensemble might require a tail.
05/ A DIY splatter ‘brella.
06/ Loving this line of marble housewares.
07/ A brilliant concept for a carbon monoxide detector – Canary.
08/ A kicked up version of safety pin jewelry.
09/ Paper Passion, a perfume for book lovers that smells like (duh) books.
10/ Dying to own a Film Map.


Cupcakes and Cashmere

One of my very favorite parts of being a blogger is getting to befriend incredible people I’d otherwise never have the chance to know, and Emily Schuman of the wildly popular lifestyle blog Cupcakes and Cashmere is no exception. She just released her first book – Cupcakes and Cashmere: How to Create your Own Signature Style, Entertain with Ease and Spruce up your Space – that’s based on her blog, and I knew it was just going to be full of great tips. Wednesday night I settled into bed thinking I’d peruse the photos and dive in later… only to read the entire thing cover to cover. It’s no wonder since it has the same easy style as Emily’ blog posts. My favorite takeaway is an important one, that you don’t have to have a bazillion dollars to lead a stylish life. It’s all about high and low end items and knowing when to scrimp and when to splurge!


Happy Weekend

01/ A whiteboard and marker has never looked so good.
02/ Matchbook-sized stories.
03/ Inspiring conceptual work from Anouk Kruithof.
04/ Anatomy of a paper bird.
05/ The Chap Olympiad! A battle of gentlemanly prowess.
06/ Liking these DIY paper clay barnacles a lot.
07/ New York is paved with random food.
08/ 50,000 gummy bears = 1 full-length gown. If you were curious.
09/ Looking at ribbon scraps a little different now.
10/ Outdoor wallpaper exists.