State Charm Necklaces.
One of these dainty little state charm necklaces would serve as a nice reminder of my sweet home Pennsylvania.
One of these dainty little state charm necklaces would serve as a nice reminder of my sweet home Pennsylvania.
MOR Cosmetics is the brainchild of Australian designers, Dianna Burmas and Deon St.Mor. Thanks to their combined experiences in visual merchandising and industrial design, as well as a shared love for travel, food and the arts a brand was launched. MOR, meaning peacock in Hindi, is as luxurious to look at as it is to use.
Posted In beauty bag, packagingThe clutches at Red Ruby Rose are some of the hottest I’ve seen. Rowena, the designer behind the shop, crafts them as an outlet to her ever-increasingly digital day job. She even creates some of the fabrics using her own photography and collage techniques. All of the colors and patterns are incredibly varied, so you’re sure to find something that catches your eye. I found about ten on the first page alone!
:: via Rare Bird Finds
Australian-made Karpati nail polishes are free from toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate which is great because they’re all unnecessary and potentially harmful chemicals.
But what I would buy this polish for is the bottle design alone. It’s super functional by slipping over two fingers, eliminating the need for a surface to set the bottle on. I’ve spilled more than my share of nail polish and ruined countless things in the process and this is such a simple, effective design solution. (Although it irks me that the image has dark red being painted onto orangey-red nails, which is odd and inconsistent… is that strange?)
Posted In beauty bag, grand design, packagingHow sweet is this little pouch? I’m always writing down things on scraps of paper and then shoving them into my purse where they inevitably fall into the abyss and are never seen again. This pouch would be the perfect place to stash them for safe keeping.
Posted In bags, wear it
Just a little reminder *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* that you have until Monday at noon CST to enter the Flights of Fancy giveaway contest and snag this super cute Sadie hair piece. Not many of you have entered so far, so the odds are in your favor!
The last pair of glasses I bought was waaay back in 2001. They’re a sweet black cat-eyed pair from Nicole Miller and I’ve replaced the lenses probably three times since then. I love wearing my glasses at least three days of the week and they’re in rotation with a pair from Calvin Klein and another from Nautica. But who am I kidding, glasses are freakin’ expensive and I can’t afford to drop a couple hundred every time I want an updated look!
Luckily, I now have greedy girl to thank for introducing me to Glasses Shop. It’s online which is way better than a trip to the eye doc’s and even more importantly it’s cheap. I just called my optometrist and asked them to release my prescription and after a little bit of paperwork (boring legal stuff) I had it in my hot little hands! Now I’m on the hunt for a new pair of glasses. Right now these two are in the running…
{left: Juliana; right: Priscilla}
Pretty, pretty flower corsages by that instantly turn any jacket or cardigan into something even better.
:: via Oh Joy!
Posted In accessories, wear it