The Things That Matter


Confession time. I’ve flipped through more than my share of shelter books, but never taken the time to read them. The Things That Matter changed all of that. Because wow, I couldn’t put this book down. Instead of simply showing his readers pretty pictures (of which there are plenty included), Berkus takes us not only inside the homes of clients and friends but inside their stories. Into the personal meaning behind the objects they surround themselves with, into the stories of how they were acquired, and into why they’ll never let them go.



The book is set up according to person instead of by chapter. It was pure serendipity that Barbara Hill’s converted dance hall home in Marfa, Texas was among them, as I’d just discovered and fell in love with it in a magazine about a week ago. Favorite living room ever. And over her kitchen sink there’s a sign proclaiming ‘Make Tacos Not War’. For real!



Berkus also opens up about his own home and life, parts of which honestly made me teary. He has such a way of relating to people and sharing their stories that I can’t help but think maybe this is the medium he was meant for. It’s definitely my favorite interiors book, and has earned a permanent place on my coffee table and given me loads of ideas about the things that really matter to me.

Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book at no charge. The opinions are my own.


October DIYs

As the holidays edge ever closer, the DIY gods smile down upon us ever often. Or such is the case so far this month. There have been more creative DIYs than I can keep track of, but these ten have stuck in my mind. Have you seen any great projects lately? 

Click on the image to be take to the tutorial.












Camp Brand

Camp Brand‘s shop is chock full of the kind of apparel just begging for a fun day spent outdoors and around a campfire come nightfall. Messy hair, glasses, and thermoses are all welcome.


Maps Rocks Glass

Hand-etched 10 oz rocks glasses featuring street maps of U.S. cities? YES! Right now you can choose from Boston, South Boston, and Los Angeles. Chicago, Manhattan, Portland, Washington DC, San Francisco, Seattle, and Atlanta are coming to the Maps Rocks arsenal soon. Custom locations are also available. I’d love to create a set out of all of the different cities I’ve lived in! They’d also make a pretty great gift. PS: There’s a  carafe, too. (via Tastespotting)


Time to Get Outdoorsy

It’s that time of year when I’ve got camping on the brain! (Even though I’ve camped approximately 2.5 times in my life. And all before the age of 13. But that’s neither here nor there.) You know what they say about a great adventure, half the fun is getting there. Well in this case, half the fun is in the stuff you take there with you. Not exactly glamping, but pretty damn close.

The Occa Maison Marine Lantern for some after dark ambiance. A Brass Stowaway Capsule to keep matches dry and you headed in the right direction. Several Banquinho Stools for gathering around the campfire. Some DIY hand-painted mugs for everyone to take home after the trip as a memento. An enamel long handled warmer for heating hot chocolate and hot toddies. And of course some stylish Marshmallow Twig Roasters for s’mores. (Duh.) Last but not least, lots of cozy Pendleton camp blankets to keep the chill out.

PHOTO: National Geographic


Happy Weekend

01/ WHOA. Animated MRI scans of vegetables.
02/ A trailer park. HA!
03/ Blik partners with Carnovsky for some incredible wall (or ceiling) stickers.
04/ A sea of 10,000 discarded library books.
05/ FlipBooKit – a motorized flip book kit!
06/ A candy alphabet!
07/ A history of New York in 50 objects.
08/ Brillant cell charger slash tripod – The Bobine.
09/ A shape shifting magnetic coffee table.
10/ Check out LYHTY, a lighted indoor/outdoor tent.