Mixtape Swap Spring/Summer 2011


Fall, winter, and spring music is not like summer music. I dare you to think of a roadtrip or family vacation and not have at least one song you’d consider part of the soundtrack of your memories. It’s impossible. The music is somehow better, the words mean more, and the beat more likely to get stuck in your head for days on end. And all of those reasons together are why I decided it’s high time to throw a little mixtape swap party. I’m constantly on the hunt for new ear candy, maybe because I spend a good ten hours a day listening to it. And I can’t imagine anything better than some new (or quintessentially summer) tunes blasting in my car, windows down, hair blowing in the wind. So what do you say, want to know the deets?



1. First off, I use the term “mixtape” in reverence for what it was when mixes first emerged in the 80s, your mix will most definitely be on a CD.

2. Email me at designcrushing@gmail.com to sign up by Sunday, May 1st.

3. Tell me what genre (i.e. indie, pop/rock, classic, etc) you usually listen to as well as your mailing address.

4. Choose 15 to 20 songs that scream summer to you and burn away.

5. Go all out with the disk and case art. Graphic design, markers and colored pencils, whatever. It’s all up to you, just make sure it’s not plain and that you include the songs and artists’ names somewhere, somehow.

6. Everyone will be paired off and notified via email by Wednesday, May 4th.

7. Your mix is due in the mail to your swapmate no later than Saturday, May 14th.


Tough Love

Please, please, please get your mix together and mailed on time. It will break my hearts to hear of someone waiting well June, even worse, not receiving one at all. If you don’t think you can get your mix together in time please refrain from signing up, I’m hoping there will be more mixtape swaps in the future for you to take part in.


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: Teresa Q


01. audio made visual as soundwave art
02. I’m pumped for the Royal Wedding
03. how to make the world’s five best sandwiches
04. The Hipster’s Eulogy
05. an archive of photos deemed Too Hard to Keep
06. an infographic about infographics – genius
07. chandeliers built out of bike parts
08. I really like these paper flower corsages
09. and I can’t wait to try this cyanotype scarf project
10. I’m a cereal-holic, check out seven recipes to make your own


Pup Tent


Pup Tent is a teepee-shaped structure designed by Slade Architecture that’s constructed out of water-jet cut laminated layered plywood. There are openings in the front for access and on the top for air circulation and a little bit of light. Not only do I hope these will one day be available for purchase, I also hope there are different sizes. Piper would love it.


Minibar for the Mind

The School of Life (which I’m fascinated with) teamed up with Morgans Hotel Group to create Minibar for the Mind. A different sort of minibar fare than you’re used to, I guarantee it. Instead of overpriced bottles of water, beer, and peanuts try ingesting Conversation Starters, Collected Thoughts, Reading Prescriptions, and Dreams & Fears to fill that empty hole inside. I’m willing to bet that this would be a hotel experience you wouldn’t soon forget.


Beastie Boys

The Beastie Boys are only topped by the Pixies in my book, so there’s no humanly possible way I could be more excited about this trailer and the upcoming awesomeness.

PS: Holy celebrities, Batman.


Lime + Cilantro Quinoa Salad

It was 90º and I wanted something light and refreshing, so I made this recipe for dinner last night. Afterwards I shared this photo on Twitter and Instagram and you all freaked out, so I thought I’d better post it before I started receiving threats in the mail. My edits are in parentheses.


Lime and Cilantro Quinoa Salad

found via words & pictures, adapted from Gourmet Magazine, Sept. 2007

• 2 teaspoons grated lime zest (I didn’t have any fresh limes on hand)
• 1 tablespoons fresh lime juice (I’m a fanatic, I used 3 tbsp bottled key lime juice)
• 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
• 1 cup quinoa
• 1 cup corn kernels (I didn’t have any)
• 2 medium tomatoes, diced (I substituted 1 1/2 C halved grape tomatoes)
• 3 scallions, chopped finely (I used 1/2 C chopped red onion)
• 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
• 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped (I had none)
• 1 fresh avocado, sliced, to garnish (I chopped mine up and mixed it right in)


Whisk together the lime zest and lime juice, butter, oil, sugar, and salt in a medium bowl, and set aside. Wash and cook the quinoa according to the package (usually three rinses in water and simmered for 20 minutes). Fold in the corn kernels and add the quinoa to the lime dressing. Toss together and let sit for about 5 minutes or until absorbed. Then fold in the tomatoes, scallions, avocado, basil, and cilantro. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serves 4.