Put an Egg On It

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but I’ve been craving eggs like crazy lately.  All in all that’s not so strange, it’s just that I maybe eat an egg-centric dish twice a year and I think I’ve topped that in the past month alone. But looky-looky, my craving is your advantage because here are some of the best egg dishes I’ve come across lately. (And before the questions start, the answer is a resounding no. I’m not pregnant. Pinky swear.)











All photos copyright of their respective blogs unless otherwise noted.


Help Japan

Like a lot of you I’ve been engrossed with the tragedy in Japan these past few days. It’s easy to feel helpless when you’re halfway around the world, but you don’t have to. Lots of people have jumped into action, creating beautiful pieces that are both creative and heartbreaking. All of the proceeds from the following prints go directly to Japan and their rescue/rebuilding efforts. You can also donate through several more traditional means right here.


Help Japan by W+K Studios
Designed by Max Erdenberger
Printed by Steve Denekas and Walker Cahall


Help Japan by James White


Help Japan by Rob Dobi


Print 070/365 by The Living Conspiracy


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: Elise Rasmussen


+ Stellar DIY clamp lamp!

+ Gotta say I’m a fan of the pared down Starbuck’s identity.

+ Check out IKEA’s The Art of Cooking videos by Carl Kleiner.

+ There is such a thing as an awesome St. Patrick’s Day card!

+ This sculpture was made out of 31,010 coins.

+ Loving this bold, straight-forward, type-heavy brunch.


Happy Weekend!


Before I Die




Artist Candy Chang has put up a great installation at 900 Marigny Street in her neighborhood in New Orleans. During the course of one month and seven hours she turned the side of an abandoned house into a giant chalkboard to help people remember what’s important in life. If you’re in the area stop by and add your two cents to the Before I die… piece (she even provides the chalk!). {via The Bedlam of Beefy}