Happy Weekend.

Victor Eredel

+ Making your own cocktail mixers and packaging them in cool bottles makes for a great hostess gift.

+ This ice skating party looks like so much fun.

+ I love the idea of wood wallpaper.

+ The wrapped packages decorating this branch advent calendar are just begging to be opened.

+ Crazy delicious popcorn ball flavors.

+ These make me want to attempt making a modern gingerbread house!

+ Great illustrated cards from Tad Carpenter.

+ Check out my guest post on unique hotels at Snippet & Ink.

Happy Weekend!


Framed Friday: Chai Hot Chocolate.

Hi there, this is Kate from Framed Cooks.  Framed Cooks started as a two week photography project, and two years later here I am, still trying to cook with teenagers and dogs constantly underfoot, still taking pictures of my supper, and still writing about my kitchen escapades for anyone who wants to listen to me!  My basic rule of thumb is this: everything I cook needs to be easy enough to make when you only have about 30 minutes to get dinner on the table… AND it needs to be something you haven’t made a million times before, because suppertime is so much happier when the food is interesting.

Here’s the thing about this time of year. It’s heartwarming, and exciting, and magical… and exhausting. Because let’s face it, we were a little busy even BEFORE we started having to make all those lists and check them twice, right? Don’t get me wrong – I like the holidays as much as the next girl. I love decorating the entire house within an inch of its life. Even those parts that don’t especially love being draped in jingle bells… I just can’t help it.

In addition to all this, my birthday is in the middle of December – and the day after my birthday is the teenager’s birthday. And six days after that is my anniversary. From now to New Year’s Eve, it’s a merry, action-packed blur of wrapping paper and champagne… and I know you can relate, even without birthdays and anniversaries thrown into the mix. Which brings me to the reason (you knew I had a reason, right??) for this particular post. Sometime amid all the shopping and the wrapping and the baking and the tinsel, take a few minutes and make this for yourself. This is NOT your garden variety cup of hot chocolate. This is the kind of hot chocolate that someone who has been running around like Santa’s head elf deserves. It’s not made with powder, it’s made with milk and bittersweet chocolate and chai spices and brown sugar and fresh ginger. It’s topped with a sweet ginger cream that slowly melts into the chocolate. It’s an amazing, once a year holiday treat that has to be sipped slowly and with your eyes closed.

So give yourself a gift sometime in the next few weeks and make this. Turn your favorite holiday music on low, curl up in your favorite chair, and be quietly merry.

Chai Hot Chocolate

from Epicurious

• 4 cups low-fat milk
• 3/4 cup bittersweet chocolate chips (I used Ghiradelli)
• 10 cardamom pods, coarsely cracked (If you can’t find these, don’t give up! Just use a little cardamom powder, or some extra allspice.)
• 1/2 teaspoon whole allspice, cracked
• 2 cinnamon sticks, broken in half
• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
• 5 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar, divided
• 6 quarter-size slices fresh ginger plus 1/2 teaspoon grated peeled fresh ginger
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, divided
• 1/2 cup chilled whipping cream

1. Combine first 6 ingredients, 4 tablespoons brown sugar, and ginger slices in medium saucepan. Bring almost to simmer, whisking frequently. Remove from heat; cover and steep 10 minutes. Mix in 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

2. Meanwhile, whisk cream, remaining 1 tablespoon brown sugar, grated ginger, and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla in medium bowl to peaks. Add more sugar to taste if not sweet enough for your taste.

3. Strain hot chocolate. Ladle into 6 mugs. Top each with dollop of ginger cream.


Jessica Hische’s Dock Icons.

When it comes to my list of designer crushes Jessica Hische is tops. Of everything. While catching up on her blog recently I came across a set of dock icons she designed to trick out her new iMac. And because she really is that fantastic, they’re not only available for download but there’s also a little instructional video for those that need some help changing their icons out.

How to Change your Dock Icons from Jessica Hische on Vimeo.


The Gift of Sugar.

I like receiving homemade foodstuffs (weird word, right?) for Christmas, so I imagine others do as well. Cookies, breads, mixes – sure, I’ll take it. But how about taking things a step further, I’m talking about things that someone wouldn’t normally make for themselves. And that something is sugary delicious candy. Perfect to eat at you tiredly write out your holiday cards or just as perfect to set out for company. (As always, click on the photo to be taken to the recipe source.)


11 Resolutions for 2011.

Andy Babb’s 11 Resolutions for 2011 postcard set plays off of the New Year’s resolutions people typically make. Working out more, drinking less, losing weight, you get the idea. Andy illustrated each one, then took it to the next level. On the reverse sides there are two options for carrying out your goal: Hi-Res (high hopes) and Lo-Res (cynical).

If you’d like to order a set of your own, Andy has been kind enough to offer a discount of 11% to all Design Crush readers. Simply use the code CRUSH. Thanks Andy!


Livy’s Village.

Last December I fell unabashedly in love with Livy’s village that was modeled after vintage glitter houses. She constructed the entire thing out of some patterns found online as well as a few her brother drew up. Cereal boxes, acrylic paint, vellum, and mica flakes (among other things) made up her supply list. All kinds of lovely, right?