Lemonade Party.

I’m passing on this idea for a Lemonade Party from Cheeky Kitchen because it immediately had me thinking of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. But really, who wouldn’t love a Lemonade Party any day of the week? (Or perhaps jazzed up with a little vodka for a Lemonade Happy Hour? Oh, yes.) All you need is a batch of lemonade syrup concentrate and loads of pure fruit ice cubes. Okay, my mouth is watering a little just thinking about all that puckery goodness…


Monday Goodness: Ribbit.

{via ffffound}

A late start, thanks to a doctor’s appointment this morning, and my entire day has been thrown off. So today I’m pleading out to catch up on life. Wishing you the bestest a Monday can possibly offer…


Happy Weekend.

{via ffffound, no trackback}

+ popbar, you need to open a location in Oklahoma City!

+ My iPhone is sporting this sweet Katie Kirk illo wallpaper

+ It’s taking all I have not to book a trip to The Pantone Hotel right this second

+ I want to make four of these poufs for game nights around the coffee table

+ I’ve always wondered how to spin sugar

+ The ten best documentaries that you need to see right now

+ Big time loving this rock & roll wedding

+ If I had a BF I would have bought this cassette tape tie days ago

+ Sweet CD sleeves and labels for you to download for your summer mixes

Happy Weekend!


Picture It: Cigarettes.

Disclaimer: Smoking looks super sexy sometimes, but we all know it’s no good. So this is in no way me advocating it in any way, shape or form.


DIY Personal Library Kit.

I’ve had this Personal Library Kit from Twig & Thistle bookmarked for a few weeks now and never realized that it was a freebie download. Win! The set includes pockets and check-out cards for your books, tabs to keeps the cards organized in a filing system, a Book Jornal to keep track of your favorites, a band to wrap around the set and lastly a bookmark that doubles as a gift tag. For free. Perfect for you or your favorite bibliophile!


Yorktown Road.

While researching an upcoming project I tripped across Yorktown Road and promptly wondered where this shop had been all my life. Owner Carol Gilbert creates her freeform pieces by letting the fabrics guide her, with no working guidelines involved. The colored linens she uses are so deeply saturated that it’s hard to pick a favorite color or piece, so I’ll just take one of each.