The Daily Eat: Milk Chocolate Pudding with Cream and Raspberry Sauce + Chocolate Roundup #5.

Milk Chocolate Pudding with Cream and Raspberry Sauce. Oh, yes please. There is nothing more decadent than chocolate and raspberries paired together in smooth, creamy bliss.


3 to See.

The lovely Mrs. French
and her menagerie of finds

Focused on invitations, parties and good design
what more could you ask for

Fashion, food and design
in no particular order

This is going to be the last weekly 3 to See post. I’m suspecting it will now become more of a monthly feature than weekly, seeing as I’ve exhausted my reader sharing everything with you! As new, eye-catching blogs pop up on my radar I’ll be sure to pass them on for you to enjoy as well. {You can check out past posts here to catch up, if you wish!}


Last Minute Pumpkins.

Last year was one of the first in my life that I didn’t carve a jack-o-lantern to light up on Halloween night. I don’t want to end up in the same place again come Saturday, but time is running short and I’m a busy gal. There are lots of carveless pumpkin ideas floating around out there, but these two in particular might be just what the doctor ordered for my front porch!

I love the starkness of these. So striking and easy!

Simple and a great way to get rid of snagged stockings without relegating them to the trash bin!


The Daily Eat: Milk Chocolate Pretzel Tart + Chocolate Roundup #4.

It’s tough to beat the salty-sweet mega-combo. I’m thinking I may have just found this year’s entry into my family’s Thanksgiving dessert-off in this Milk Chocolate Pretzel Tart!