This mutant cold that’s had me down all week is insane. I’m the sort of person who gets sick and doesn’t eat, after all, everyone knows the only bonus of being under the weather is the weight loss. No so this time around. I’m been starving. As in eating more than I would on a normal day… times two!
This recipe for chocolate Babka is something I bookmarked this week. And, yeah, it still looks as amazing as when I first laid eyes upon it.
:: via Cheers! An Edible Adventure
Posted In recipesYet another standout from designboom’s design in 2015 competition: the Mest Turkish coffee set from Israeli designer Esli Alovi.
“A modern interpretation for a turkish coffee set which still maintains its traditional values. The tray integrates everything required for the preparation of the coffee, from cooking to serving, all in the dining area. The materials used are copper and ceramic.”
Posted In grand design, kitchenLove this Right On Fight On tee, designed by Neil Doshi and the idea behind it all over at The Quiet Life.
“This design is the winner of our online DESIGN A T-SHIRT FOR A GOOD CAUSE CONTEST and is the first t-shirt design in our new GOOD CAUSE project. The idea behind GOOD CAUSE is to help raise funds and awareness for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The cost of these shirts, the screen printing cost, and all other costs were donated to us by our vendors so that 100% of the proceeds from the sales of this design could go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. To find out more about the Cystic Firbrosis Foundation please visit“
:: via Cool Hunting
Posted In wear itHappy February 29th!
(Am I totally insane to almost sorta wish that today were my birthday?)
My morning started out blah with the coffee timer not going off and me having a bad hair day. Now I had to break my rule of Starbuck’s only once a week and swing by on my way to work. I was going to hit the drive-thru, but the line was waaay too long for that, so I parked and went in. While focusing on which scone to get I saw a sign on the counter for the Honey Latte. I’m a Starbuck’s fanatic, so when something is new I know it. My morning was made (seriously) when the barista offered to make me a sample, which turned out to be a “short” cup. Huge by sample standards. Needless to say, this wouldn’t be a shameless plug if I didn’t gush and gush (and use bold letters) about how absolutely delicious the Honey Latte turned out to be. Mine was hot, but you can also have it iced or as a frapp. Talk about versatility. Run out and get one now because I may drink them all otherwise!
I would love to have about ten of these recycled light bulb vases hanging at different levels in a large window. Too bad they would become instant cat toys.
If you don’t have little furry – or furless – devils of your own, check out the tutorial here.
:: via casasugar
Posted In make itBrilliant just doesn’t seem enough to describe how I feel about these screw on tops by designer Jorre can Ast. By screwing on plastic tops everyday jars are turned into vessels with a specific function. The family includes a sugar pot, milk jug, chocolate sprinkler, oil&vinegar set and a water jug.
:: via Core77
Posted In grand design, kitchenI’m really excited to introduce a new element to Design Crush that’s been in the works for the past month or so: Mad Props!
I’m so inspired by all of you bloggers out there on a daily basis and amazed at some of the incredible finds and ideas you come up with. And I really do pay close attention to all of the detail and time you put into your everyday posts. Mad Props is just a way of saying Thank You! for all of the work behind the pretty pictures and words. It will be a post that happens the last day of every month rounding up different posts that went above and beyond in my eyes, things that I never would have come across on my own, and things that I just fell in love with at first sight throughout the past thirty or so days. There’s no set number of Props given out and, unfortunately, I’m sure I missed some here and there.
Please enjoy the round up and check out the different links if you haven’t already. (Also feel free to use the Mad Props award sticker if you wish!)
Abbey Goes Design Scouting : Vintage Ice Box
ali loves curtis : valentine boxes
Angry Chicken : Shrinky Dink Valentines
Black*Eiffel : Family Portrait
Creature Comforts : Candy Bar Wrappers
design for mankind : The Dailies
doe•c•doe : Vintage Children Book Illustration Tags
Oh Happy Day! : Valentine posters
Posted In mad propsUnfortunately (for me) it’s not to a deluxe apartment in the sky. Fortunately it does have to do with some leaps and bounds forward for Design Crush. (*cue applause*) The first of several additions will show up tomorrow morning. So set your alarm clocks!
:: image via Veer
Posted In shameless plug