Monday Goodness: The Clouds.
I couldn’t have said it any better myself.
:: via Andre Jordan
Posted In monday goodnessI couldn’t have said it any better myself.
:: via Andre Jordan
Posted In monday goodnessThis weekend’s going to be a good one, I can just feel it.
Happy Weekend everyone!
** Once again, I apologize for not knowing whom to credit this photo to – I’ve been hanging onto it forever. If anyone does know please share because I want to give credit where it’s due!!
Posted In happy weekendStraight and to the point, these Less is More posters are beautiful. Hand letterpressed by Douglas Wilson are printed using metallic silver ink on Steel Grey 100 lb French cover-weight paper.
:: via unruly.things
Posted In paper goods, postersThe Five-a-Day poster series by UK-based Man vs Machine is so graphically intelligent. I love the way they took the idea of getting your five fruits and veggies a day and morphed it into a series of deconstructed works of art. So much so that if you weren’t aware of the basis of project, you may not even be aware of what you were looking at.
A cute little notebook is a must to throw in my purse. This one’s adorable and not a big commitment which is perfect because I like to change things up a lot.
Love this short video by Javan Ivey.
:: via The Finer Things
Posted In see itWhile surfing Etsy during lunch I came across these Rosewood Noteblocks by seller livingroomfloor. I think that their intended use is scrapbooking, but I love the type enough to just tack them to my bulletin board! They’re not large enough to mail – 4.75 x 2.5″ – otherwise I’d use a set as postcards, too.
I have a slight obsession with curd. Even though it’s a repulsive word in and of itself, the stuff is delectable beyond words. I’ve never made an attempt at making it myself, but I’m thinking that day isn’t too far around the corner. I could seriously just eat it up with a spoon – it’s just that good! I’ve seen quite a few recipes floating around the web-o-sphere lately, but it wasn’t until I saw this one using Meyer lemons that I was really sold. Not only is it extremely simple, but it looks like the chef was about to eat a bowlful, which isn’t far from what I intend to do!
Nestled comfortably in the Eola Hills, just west of Salem, Oregon, you will find The Cost Vineyard. A low-yield producer of premium quality, fully estate grown Pinot Noir.
While I don’t doubt the quality and taste of their wine, what I’m in love with are their bottles. Wine labels in general fascinate me, but when one goes against the norm – as in anything – it really grabs my attention. Cost Vineyard accomplishes this by using “newspaper clippings” that strategically place their name on the bottle in small type that you might otherwise miss. Point proven: bigger and bolder isn’t always better.
Posted In cocktails, packagingWhy did it take so long for angled frames to come into existence? Such a simple idea that makes so much sense.
:: via roadside scholar
Posted In accessories, grand design, house and home