Alchemy Side Table.
I love the sterile lab environment feel the Alchemy side table has about it. And I’ve been a sucker for wood and metal combos lately.
I love the sterile lab environment feel the Alchemy side table has about it. And I’ve been a sucker for wood and metal combos lately.
RedPin Restaurant & Bowling Lounge is one of Oklahoma City’s newest hot spots – which contrary to popular belief is not an oxymoron! Combining contemporary dining and a lounge with the awesomeness of bowling, RedPin is a unique experience. I hit it up a few weeks ago to celebrate a friend’s birthday and had the best time. Located right on the canal, it features ten bowling lanes as well as a restaurant, lounge, and the largest canal-front patio in Bricktown. *One recommendation – if you’re planning on going on a weekend definitely call ahead to reserve a lane. We called a week early and didn’t have a time until 11:30.
I’m so, so happy to call these two prints by JellyBeans – The Turning Point and Vitality – mine as of a few moments ago. I can’t wait to have them in my hot little hands! I have to admit it was a tough choice to make because I love so many of her prints. The way she uses those bold, vibrant colors really gets me. If you haven’t already, head that way and check them out for yourself!
Posted In create, paintingToday I’m craving some serious flavor and these Baked Garlic Fries – loaded up with garlic-y goodness of course – seem like they might be just the ticket. Not to mention that they’re not fried which makes them a smarter alternative to regular fries.
The Wegner Sawback Chair is incredibly well-designed. Funny how I get the feeling I need to own one or two of these beauties for my living room to be complete!
Innovative. That’s the best word I can come up with to describe both Marcio Simnch’s photography and site design. Simnch’s photos display gorgeous models in an incredibly simplistic form and the end result is breathtaking. The design of his site reflects this perfectly, completely eliminating the need for scroll bars and using minimal navigation.
Posted In create, photography, web designLove this aluminum appetizer tray. Not only does it revolve for easy access, it also has six individual removable plates that make it perfect for entertaining at small get togethers. Very Jetsons looking, dontcha think?
:: via core77
Posted In entertaining, grand design, kitchenNo matter your stance on gun control, you’ve at least got to feel the tiniest bit of apprehension come the end of this one…
:: via Fresh Peel
Posted In ads, see itLove these clever ads for Luxor Highlighters. Very smart, indeed.
:: via ad goodness