Happy Weekend.

Only one post today because I’m feeling under the weather with a sore throat and achy ears. I’m hoping to crawl into bed for some R&R sooner than later, but here are a few tidbits to help get you through the weekend! Psst… don’t forget, you have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the evie s. giveaway!

+ Mrs. Lilien has started a Mrs. horoscope series, pop over to check out Mrs. Aquarius

+ We need to bring pothole gardens to the US!

+ A pretty printable Save the Date postcard for you to enjoy

+ The sweetest gifts barely cost a thing

+ Better late than never, my Valentine’s Day gift list for the Shiny Squirrel!

+ Ate all of your Girl Scout Cookies already? Why not whip up a few batch of these Samoa Bars and Tagalongs!

Happy Weekend!



Loving the organic design of the Cocoon. Plant herbs in the top half and store fresh fruit in the cubby on the bottom. Because it’s made of clay, water is easily absorbed and during the evaporation process it keeps things nice and cool. I have the perfect place for one. {via Design Milk}