Masculine Feminine.
The type juxtaposition in Delicious Design League’s Masculine Feminine print are a dream. {via SeeSaw Designs}
The type juxtaposition in Delicious Design League’s Masculine Feminine print are a dream. {via SeeSaw Designs}
April is Autism Awareness month, a cause near and dear to my heart. And one very special organization is Kyle’s Treehouse. Its namesake, sixteen year old Kyle Westphal has created a t-shirt in collaboration with artist Jessie Rose Vala to celebrate this month, with 100% proceeds going to the foundation. Each shirt is hand-screened with slight variations, reflecting that each person living with autism is unique. I have a gray one and have to say how soft and comfortable it is, a great project for a great cause.
I’m crazy about the blatantly feminine work of Kris Chau. To me her work has an Andy Warhol influence that gets twisted and turned on its head through the eyes of a woman. The result is beautiful. {via my love for you is a stampede of horses}
Not that a minor means much in college these days, but I happen to have one in art history. There was a time when I considered going after it full steam ahead, but let’s face it – there aren’t a lot of art museum curating jobs out there and that’s what I would have been gunning after.
For now I’d be content with this Art History print by Vuk Vidor. On each line Vidor links an artist to their cultural impact in three words, over thirty in all. My favorite? {via design milk}
Posted In printsThe photography. That model. The collection. Current/Elliott is spot-on casual perfection for a carefree summer.
These silkscreened, hand-watercolored spring prints from The Wild Unknown are stunning. Each print in the limited editions of 100 measures 18 x 24″ and varies slightly from the next. I’d love to get my hot little hands on one of each to frame and hang above my bed. {via Design*Sponge}
Totally crushing on these vintage menus from the New York Public Library’s digital archives. You can order prints, framed or not, or print them out yourself for free! {via the kitchn}
At first glance, Totem looks like a perfectly normal vase. But then you take a closer look and realize it’s actually four stackable bowls, perfect for storing food or other little trinkets. Each piece is made by hand in New Zealand, making them “perfectly imperfect.” {via Better Living Through Design}
I’m freakishly organized when it comes to notes and ideas. I have several journals and notebooks I use for different subjects: design, quotes, future projects, etc. I know, I’m weird. When I saw Moleskine’s Passion Books I felt completely indulged. And a little less weird. Choose from Book, Film, Music, Wine, Wellness and Recipe journals to keep track of the things you want to be keeping track of. Each cover is even embossed with a collage pertaining to the journal’s theme. {via simple blueprint}
+ copyright-free collage images to download for free – the possibilities are endless
+ breath-taking literally underwater wedding photography
+ scads of cotton ribbon in every shade of the rainbow
+ free printable graphic design business forms thanks to the freelance 101 series
+ have you checked out issue #2 of Nonpareil Magazine?
+ fabulous Alice in Wonderland-inspired decor
+ a great roundup of free Easter printables …
+ … and another of Easter cards
+ download these free and well-designed black + white wedding printables and save mucho money
+ coloring eggs is my favorite part of easter!
+ wishing my graduation announcements had looked anything like these
Happy Weekend!
Posted In downloads, graphic design, happy weekend, holidays, online, weddings