32 Via dei Birrai.
I can’t read a syllable on 32 Via dei Birrai’s site, but I’d still like to drink all seven varieties after work tonight and keep the bottles.
I can’t read a syllable on 32 Via dei Birrai’s site, but I’d still like to drink all seven varieties after work tonight and keep the bottles.
Yesterday I was introduced to the work of Alexander Ovchinnikov and was immediately drawn to his silhouetted children’s book images. So sweetly dark and freakish. Right up my alley.
Posted In create, paperI love the fragility of the Bubble Bank. Too bad you have to break the glass to get at the cash… or is it?
CoolHot by Kemba Celebrations creates handmade cultural and theme-inspired designs for stationery, office and home. Husband and wife team, Justin and Kemba, are inspired by the patterns, designs and customs of cultures around the world. Each pattern is taken and given a modern twist, making it fresh and something that the couple can call their own.
This week CoolHot is giving away a Japanese-patterned handmade journal. Perfect to jot down grocery lists or profound thoughts, this journal measures 7 x 4.5″ and is made from beautiful Arturo and Neenah papers. And the cover pattern is an original, so you won’t be seeing this little guy anywhere else!
To Enter, Tell Me:
1. What item do you inevitably forget to pick up at the grocery store?
2. Your email address, to be notified in case you win! (Those who do not will be disqualified.)
3. Do it all before Monday, January 18th at 9am CST
I can’t stop thinking about photographer James Reynolds’ series on former Death Row prisoners’ requests for their last meal before execution. From the full friend chicken dinner to the lone olive to the onion with a pack of mint gum. Morbidly fascinating.
Posted In collaboration/projectLately I’m loving the soft, muted tones in the work of artist Kareena Zerefos. At first the various pieces seem like they might belong in a storybook, but then you realize that no child could fully appreciate the extreme meaning behind some of them as an adult does. {Make one your own here.}
Posted In create, illustration
I swear, every single design shop on the face of the earth should have this in their lobby…
Charley Harper is my favorite illustrator of all time, a bold statement I know. The book Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life, curated by Todd Oldham, has been around for a few years. It’s an over-sized, boxed edition and a little too pricey for my pockets. So you can imagine the magnitude of my joy when I spotted the recently released hardcover version for only $50 while browsing books yesterday. And wow, was it ever worth the wait! I perused to my hearts content over every page and more than once let out an Oh, wow. So happy to finally have this one as part of my collection.
What better way to kick off the new year than with a calendar giveaway?! Exactly, there really isn’t one. At least here in Blogland. The instant I saw Becca Heuer’s seasonal letterpress calendar I smiled. Big. I love her concept of splitting it into seasons instead of months and the letterpress is breathtaking. And just to say Hi, hello, I hope you have a lovely year, Becca is gifting one of you luckies with a brand spankin’ new calendar to start your year off right!
Just leave a comment with your email address. (Don’t worry, I won’t be selling or storing them. It’s only to let you know if you win!) You have until 12pm CST tomorrow, January 5th. The winner will be chosen randomly and notified shortly after. Thanks, Becca!
Posted In calendars, win itI cut out New Year’s resolutions a few years ago after making too many unfulfilled promises to myself and feeling bad about it. I’m not knocking them if you’re a fan, I’m just no good with such a big weight on my shoulders. (I’ll lose 50 lbs. I’ll . I’ll single-handedly be responsible for world peace.)
I’m more of a believer that instead of resolving to do something, we should try to make smaller life decisions that are part of our day to day existences. I plan on trying to drink more water, keeping in closer touch with friends and family and starting to landscape around my house. Easy enough because I know they’re all possible without too much trouble. What are your goals for 2010?
And because I’ve been out of the loop for the past few weeks, some of my favorite posts that have graced my reader recently:
+ DIY Origami Box Ornaments with a great step-by-step tutorial :: Creature Comforts
+ Super cute free holiday tags, perfect for a homemade goodie gift! :: Creature Comforts
+ A bevy of holiday packaging freebies :: Benign Objects
+ A clever free printable holiday card :: Creature Comforts
+ Sad I didn’t see these really well designed desktop wallpapers sooner! Downloaded for next year :: Nien Studios
+ A great Christmas mix of songs both new and old :: m.writes
+ And a fantastic mixcast full of indie Christmas tunes, too :: kitsune noir
+ Pretty red and aqua holiday downloads :: Eat. Drink. Chic.
+ Loving these type-centric gift tags :: Wiley Valentine
+ And these gift tags :: Creature Comforts
+ And these tags and labels :: Creature Comforts
+ And these gift tags, too! :: heysusy
+ Did you see Livy’s gorgeous vintage village that she made? :: A Field Journal
+ 12 Days of Christmas boxes for you to fill with goodies :: The Dieline
+ Insta-gift: print these free recipe cards and labels :: mstetson design
+ I’ll be busy printing out this 2010 calendar this weekend! :: poppytalk
+ And this one :: redblackbrown
+ I can hardly believe this printable pocket calendar is f-r-e-e! :: Creature Comforts
Happy Weekend + Best Wishes in 2010!