Oh So Good is a Toronto-based stationery line by Sarah Roberto. Sarah rescues discarded paper and books to create one-of-a-kind products that are environmentally friendly. Don’t be fooled by my faux bois selections, the shop sells greeting cards, notebooks, and gift tags in a variety of designs.
Set of three Chapter Books from the Marya Collection at Girl of All Work. I can think of about a million things these blank journals would be perfect for. College, a baby’s first years, marriage, etc. I think right now I would use them to separate my lists into a more cohesive system. Yeah, I’m a dork.
It’s geared toward teens (although she’s never raised one) and full of rants, witty observations, anecdotes, handmade collages (of course), photos, flirt cards, fill-in-the-blanks and random games. If I had a teenage daughter she would definitely own a copy of this wisdom-filled bible of adolescent knowledge. In fact, I sort of want to own it myself. I’m sure I could use an update on a few of the chapters covered!
No better way to start the morning than with some lovely eye candy (er, chocolate?). Take a look at Kshocolat. Lovely, modern packaging courtesy of Marque Creative.
I’ve been a devoted reader of d.Sharp Journal for eons and stalking Denise’s vintage-inspired paper goods for almost just as long. She has a great eye for extra special touches and this week she’s offering up an assortment of silvery gift toppers to one of you!
To Enter: 1. Tell me about your gift giving style. Are you a last minute or months early shopper? 2. Leave a valid email address (those who do not will be disqualified) 3. Do it all before Monday, July 27th at noon CST
Best of luck! Stop by both of Denise’s shops – d. Sharp and Open Drawer – for some vintage-styled inspiration!
I love bright colors, but lately I’m really drawn to muted, softer tones. Like in illustrator Clare Owen’s art. Very pretty work by a very talented lady.
Meet Bake It Pretty. A shop devoted to inspired baking supplies and adornments. Within the walls of her shop, owner Amanda has managed to include not only one but two of my vices: pretty packaging and nostalgic candy. The only question is which to order first!
I’m a coffee lover right down to my very core, but I’d be lying if I said I loved Rewind‘s packaging for any other reason that the retro design. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure their products are equally amazing, but the package is definitely the big sell here. Oh, and the fact that their site mentions something about decaf being like kissing your sister is pretty awesome, too!